Browse Day: December 27, 2013

Catching up

IMG_8033One of the best parts of Christmas Break is being able to catch up with old friends.  Our closest friends are the ones we grew up with in high school and they all manage to make their way back to Cerritos around the holidays.  IMG_8032On Monday night, we met up in Irvine for a shabu shabu dinner.

Afterward, we went to Balcony for drinks.  We were warned by our waiter that it was a place for “young people” and we just laughed and thought “as long as we can get in with slippers and t-shirts, we don’t care”.

IMG_8034 IMG_8035We were probably the oldest ones at the bar and only got carded because we looked like people who would bust them for under-age drinking.  The waitress literally said that to us.  That gave me a good chuckle.  We also watched a girl stumble out of the bar and carried down the stairs at 10pm after they had had a whole bottle of vodka.  Ah…youngins.

IMG_8241On Thursday, we had lunch at Sunrise Cafe with the crew again and I also went to Holly’s house in the evening.  It’s so nice to have Holly and Roy back in California.  I loved watching the interaction between Kumquat and Andrew.  IMG_8236It was like the best date ever complete with toys, snacks, and hugs at the end of the evening.