Browse Day: December 22, 2013

Winter Break

IMG_7851 Let the vacation begin!  I have 11 days off!  Woot!  I haven’t had a break this long since my maternity leave!  I feel so lucky the have the time off since we’re running really thin on staff this coming week at work.

IMG_7856On Friday night, we went out to eat and Kumquat and I shared a tomato and burrata salad and mac and cheese.  I also kicked off the break with a nice strong drink.

On Saturday morning, I had lots of laundry and packing to do.  We left around 12:45 and Kumquat slept most of the way.  IMG_7864IMG_7873We stopped once to eat and once to pick up coffee where she got to run around and got a hold of my phone for a bit.

IMG_7881It was only during the last hour that Kumquat started to get really antsy so she got to watch some videos.  The trip took a total of 7.5 hours and the drive was congested at times but overall a smooth ride.

It’s good to be back in SoCal and at The Magical House.  I love having the grandparents around to hang out with Kumquat.  Jes and I were even able to get away for a quick trip to Target late last night to buy a few things.  Aaah…I feel more relaxed already.