Party Girl
I don’t really know what’s going on but Kumquat has been waking up in the middle of the night and partying. My hunches are that she may be going through a growth spurt, teething, or she’s sick. I’m thinking it’s a growth spurt since she seems well, I can’t feel any new molars, and she’s been asking for more milk lately. All I know is that she was up from 4-6 am on Tuesday morning and she was up from 12-1:30am this morning. She rolled around and was really restless so I wasn’t able to get any sleep too. I really hope this doesn’t last long. I came home sick with a fever of 100.4 this afternoon and my stomach has not been treating me very well for the past 24 hours. This photo was taken earlier in the evening when I was hopeful that she would sleep better last night. I was wrong.
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