Browse Day: October 31, 2013

I’m an Auntie!!!

IMG_6587I got a text from Brother this morning that Joy was in labor since midnight.  She was admitted around 5am and her water broke at about 7:30 and had the epidural around 9:30.  Then it went quiet for a few more hours until I got a picture at 2:30.  Baby Alice was born at 2:21 pm at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20.5 inches.  She’s also a Halloween baby!

IMG_6613She’s perfect.

IMG_6614We met her over FaceTime this evening and she was sleeping with her mouth open just like her Daddy.  This is awesome.  She’s awesome.  I can’t wait to meet her next Saturday.  She’ll already be 9 days old by then!!!  I totally wish I lived in Irvine right now.

Great job, Joy!!  Congrats, Brother!  I can’t believe you’re a Dad.  Keep the photos comin’!!


IMG_6584 This year we all dressed up as pirates for Halloween (except for Chris a.k.a. Spiderman, who missed the memo).  I’ve never been a big Halloween person but when you have a bunch of friends who like to dress up, you can’t help but join in on the fun.


We also had a sailor to pillage by the end of the day.  Yaaar…Happy Halloween, Mateys!