Browse Day: October 27, 2013


IMG_6486 Sunday started out kinda slow.  We were about to leave for the California Academy of Sciences when the tire pressure in our car had gone down again.  We went straight to Costco to have them take a look.  IMG_6535While we waited, we had lunch at SOMA StrEats again I had a scrumptious spicy chicken and pineapple sammich with a rice cake “bun”.  When our service was done, the guy said that our replacement rim is cracked already!!!  Seriously?!  Jes convinced the manage to let us have the wheel put back on so that we could drive it home.  Initially they said it was unsafe to drive and that we’d need to have it towed to a shop.  So, we drove very slowly back to home and regrouped.

IMG_6504Shortly after, we packed up again and took Muni to the Academy.  The ride was actually pretty quick and we didn’t have to bother with driving in traffic and parking.  We had some good family time taking Kumquat around to all the exhibits and watching her discover new things about the aquarium and rainforest.

IMG_8768After the museum closed, we hopped back on the train and went straight to dinner at Hillstone.  We got off N-Judah at Embarcadero and then caught the F-line.  That’s when things got a little interesting.  As soon as the trolley stopped and opened its doors, I was carrying Kumquat and about to board when this large crazy lady cut me off.  I let her go ahead but then she stalled at the steps to enter the car on the right side of the door. So, Jes went up the left side with the stroller as I waited.  He accidentally nipped her in the hip with the stroller and said sorry but apparently she didn’t hear him.  She was taking too long so I followed him on the left side and as I was in the middle of saying sorry to her too when she straight up elbowed me in the face.  She totally did it on purpose!!  I yelled, “OW! I said SORRY!”  Then she turned around to me and said “I didn’t see nothing. All I know is that that guy hit me with the stroller.”  Before we could do anything else, she stormed to the front of the trolley.  I swear, if she had hurt Kumquat I would have gone Mama Bear on her and pushed her off the steps and thrown her back into the street.  The people that boarded behind me said to me “That was messed up!  You ok?”  Luckily, all I had was a little tingle on the cheek and a huge adrenaline rush.  That lady was crazy.

IMG_6528Dinner, on the other hand, was delightful.  I got some yummy ribs and coleslaw that I shared with Kumquat and Jes got his ribeye.

IMG_6526Kumquat and I also took a couple selfies as we were waiting for the check.  IMG_6531 IMG_6532 IMG_6534


IMG_6398On Saturday morning, I went for a run and went to the Farmers’ Market with Kumquat.  It had been at least a month since I had gone and it was nice to be back.  Kumquat got to run around a bit and of course, tasted lots of fruit.  This picture looks like she has secret service watching after her.  After picking up some pluots, pears, and persimmons, we went to Hog Island for a tasty lunch.  IMG_6410Ah…what a delicious feast.  I had the gem lettuce salad, kumamoto oysters, baked oysters, and my favorite clam chowder.

IMG_6437 IMG_6440After Kumquat’s nap, we headed down to Redwood City to check out Jason and Jia’s new place.  We brought them a big box of fancy sparkling water and we said “cheers!”IMG_6433They moved last weekend and it’s a bigger, less expensive place with plenty of parking.  It looks like everyone has made themselves pretty comfy there already and I was a good lounge chair that evening.IMG_6461For dinner, we went to La Viga and they had pretty good seafood.  Kumquat seemed to enjoy the chips and habanero salsa.  I’m amazed that she can tolerate so much heat!  It’s the combination of Thai blood and her dad’s tastebuds I guess.