Browse Day: September 21, 2013

finally upgraded

IMG_5175The new iPhone 5s came out yesterday and it was sold out everywhere as expected.  On a chance, we actually got up early and headed out to the Apple Store on Stockton to see what they received overnight.  There was a short line outside before the store opened at 8am and I got my hands on a voucher for the 32GB space gray iPhone 5s.  I originally wanted the silver one but realized that it doesn’t really matter.  All I really wanted was a new phone with greater than 16GB and I got it.  I’ve had the iPhone 4 for over 2 years and had gone through water damage and two cracked front screens so this is an upgrade regardless.  I waited through 2 upgrades and now I have a better camera and I met Siri for the first time today.  I also realized that this is the first retina display in our entire household of Apple products.

IMG_5191It’s so pretty…

IMG_0001 1I also got myself a pretty good case.  It apparently has an Impact Mesh that is supposed to be better at withstanding a drop or two.  Let’s hope it does because I’m tired of looking at a cracked screen and this little munchkin has made my poor phone more at risk for damage by at least 10-fold.