Browse Month: August 2013

So hungry…


I’m starving. It’s 3:15 pm and I have AT LEAST an hour until it’s my turn. I wish my head didn’t hurt so much.

Got here at 12:30 like they told me to. I went through registration and paid my co-pay stuff. I was calm but a little nervous.

IMG_4484Then I went into the dressing room to gown-up. Loving the head-cover look.

Then I was seated in a comfy recliner with a warm blanket over me. Vitals were taken and I got an IV placed in my arm.

And then the waiting started…it was 1:30 when the IV was placed and I’ve been bumped by a guy who will need a little over an hour for his procedure.

IMG_4489I think Jesse was jealous of my recliner.  At least they had free WiFi access and allowed us to use our iPhones in the waiting room.

There’s just so much Candy Crush Saga that a girl can play on an empty stomach.


Tomorrow’s my surgery.  If you need catching up, click here and here.  I haven’t been too worried about it all month but now that it’s the day before, I’m a little nervous.  I’ve seen way too much at work and it’s hard not to think about ALL the possibilities that result from even a minor surgery and sedation.  At work, I tied up loose ends, got my paperwork squared away, entered all my extended sick leave stuff, and just mentally prepared for what’s to come tomorrow.

My mom arrived this afternoon; I had a tasty burger, fries, and glass on wine for dinner; I showered with a specific type of soap that the nurse suggested; I’m drinking lots of water before midnight; and trying to distract myself with trying to plan activities for my two weeks off.

Starting at midnight (an hour from now), I’m not allowed to eat or drink anything until after surgery.  I guess there’s always the risk of vomiting while under anesthesia and then aspirating it.  Wonderful.  I sure hope I’ll be distracted enough to not be too hungry.  I also have to shower again in the morning before I head over to the surgery center.

Time for bed.

Sunday BBQ

DSC_3072On Sunday we went to the Bangs’ for lunch.  It was a warm sunny day and they had the perfect backyard for a BBQ. Vyl made tri tip and kabobs and we had a fun time catching up.

DSC_3050It was also nice to see Little Isla or “Mei Mei”.


DSC_3053We hadn’t seen her since the day she was born and she’s grown so much in the past 4 months.  Vyl says she’s been a pretty easy baby and it looks like she’s got Bang’s hairline right now.

DSC_3068The Bangs also just finished remodeling the bedrooms and bathrooms.  You can see the addition to the left of this photo.  In case you were wondering, Uncle Bang was teaching Jack how to set a volleyball.  Too bad Jack was more into spiking the ball instead.



IMG_4430I bought this basil plant from Trader Joe’s for $2.99.  It had grown so big and bushy that I was able to harvest some basil to make caprese salad and pesto a month ago.  I took such good care of it that it kept growing to a point where I could harvest more leaves a second time.  This is what the plant looked like AFTER I had harvested the leaves.  Woot.  I’m definitely getting my money’s worth (and more) out of this plant.

IMG_4431Look at how much I got from a second harvest!

IMG_4432So, I made some pesto.  Notice the baby food processor?  It’s great for more than just baby food!  This is what it looked like when I put the leaves, garlic cloves, and some pine nuts in the machine.

IMG_4433Then I added some shredded parmigiano reggiano and olive oil to make it nice and smooth.  Once I seasoned it with salt and pepper, it was ready to go!  IMG_4434

We made pasta with chicken tonight for dinner.  The bowl is all wrong for this photo but you get the point.  So, we had enough pesto for dinner tonight and a little bit reserved for Kumquat to eat later this week with her pasta wheels.  Yippee!

Hard Water

DSC_2976On Saturday morning, we walked down to America’s Cup Park to check out Team Oracle USA’s practice race.  DSC_2978We got a good view of the Bay Bridge and I could even see the new eastern span to the left of Treasure Island.

DSC_2987We got there early enough to have a wide open view of the two catamarans racing on the bay.  DSC_3012

Here they are coming in to the finish line.  They ride so close to the spectator’s area.DSC_3017 DSC_3022This is a mural that people can color if they write down one thing they can do to help the environment.  I wrote “compost” and then colored the yellow and blue fish on the left closest to the surface of the water.  It’s a color-by-number sort of thing.  Pretty cool.

DSC_3026For lunch, we went to a new place called Hard Water, which is a whiskey bar that serves southern food.  It’s such a pretty space.

IMG_4400We ordered the Roffignac Cocktail made with Redemption rye, lemon, grapefruit, red hembarig syrup, and soda water.  Yum.

DSC_3030After a half-dozen raw oysters, we had the fried chicken sandwich and mac&cheese.  The chicken sandwich had slices of mortadella and jalapeno that added lots of flavor and texture.  The mac&cheese had hot sauce and tasty bread crumbs on top.  Both were delicious and we brought home the leftover mac for baby to eat for dinner the next day.  Can’t let all that tasty stuff go to waste!


IMG_4326I had the day off today to take care of my pre-op paperwork and to get my medical clearance and blood work done with my doc.  For lunch, I picked up a pumpkin croquette with Japanese curry from the lunch truck down the street from the doctor’s office.

IMG_4371I was done by the afternoon so I let Mirian go home early and Kumquat and I headed out to Oakland before the Friday evening commute.  It was so nice and warm outside in the East Bay!

IMG_4347To kill some time, we stopped at my work.  It worked out well since I had to pick up a few things and Kumquat needed to eat.

IMG_4341She also had a really good time playing in the office and everyone was happy to see her.  Here she is messing with Teresa’s desk.

IMG_4359Afterward, we walked over to Marc 49 for Happy Hour.  Stephanie was brave enough to come out tonight so we got to see Vivian and Nathan too!

IMG_4350Kumquat was surprisingly tolerant of the cramped corner and just sat with us.  She snacked, played with her toys, sat on different people’s laps, and just hung out like a Happy Hour pro.

IMG_4367I was so proud of her.

IMG_4368Teresa and Aaron also made it tonight and I got her their first Baby Bump photo.  I’m amazed at how far Aaron can pooch out his belly!  He looked more preggo than T!

Ah…good times…