On Saturday, the day after my surgery, I woke up in so much pain. I had to take some meds and Jes had to push me up out of bed. I couldn’t sit up and I couldn’t even roll onto my side! It was U-GLY. Once the meds kicked in, I was up and moving around again. I’m so swollen that I looked preggo again but whatever…I didn’t care anymore.
That morning, my mom helped get Kumquat ready while we waited for Jason to arrive. We had purchased grandstand tickets to watch the finals of the LV Cup so once he got to our house, we were on our way.
We left the house at 11 and it was supposedly when the special Embarcadero train would be running. It didn’t arrive for a good 45 minutes! Once we were on, it took us from our house all the way down to Fisherman’s Wharf. From there, we walked over Fort Mason hill and down to the Marina Green. We had a gorgeous SF day and the wind was pretty strong.
We watched the first race up in the stands and it was nice to finally have a good view of the boats sailing over the water.
Unfortunately the meds were making me a little woozy and I had to put my head down. Luckily, my mom brought some of her magical tiger balm and it totally made me feel better.
The second race was canceled due to high winds so we spent the rest of the afternoon at the beer garden. Since my medicine included Tylenol, I didn’t get to enjoy a beer with the Masayas who were also there with us. Oh well.
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