I had a coupon code for a photo book so I finally got my photos from Maui uploaded and ordered a book. Ah…when can we go back again?
I had a coupon code for a photo book so I finally got my photos from Maui uploaded and ordered a book. Ah…when can we go back again?
I was up before anyone else in the house this morning so I laced up and snuck out for a Long Run. I had forgotten how peaceful it can be at 6:45 am on a Saturday. All you see outside are a few other runners, bums sleeping, vendors setting up at the Farmer’s Market, and the bay.
I managed to finish 4 miles but it was at a snail’s pace. Oh well, at least I’m getting closer to 6. That 10K is creepin’ up on me.
Kumquat and Sophie have a new member to their Cheekster Club and she beats out both of them!
Introducing Vivian Jane who was born this morning at 1:44 am. She was a week overdue and still really wasn’t in the mood to meet us all when it was time to enter the outside world.
I was lucky enough to visit them at the hospital today after work and Stephanie is doing well.
Vivian weighed in at a healthy 9 lbs, 14 oz. and measured 21 inches. Wowza.
Her aunties and I were so excited to meet her today and to welcome her to the big world.
Thanks for letting us crash your recovery room today!!
Congratulations to Stephanie and Nathan!
Nice work, Steph. Enjoy your newest family member. Time really flies so try to take in every moment. Let me know if you need anything!!
On Friday, we drove to South Tahoe to meet up with Sylvia and James. They have a timeshare at a resort just next to Heavenly and they invited us to stay in their 2-bedroom suite for the weekend.
The drive up was in heavy traffic but we made it with just enough time to enjoy the sunset and some drinks and dinner in the village.
The next morning, we made a big breakfast and then packed up for a day at the beach. We ended up at Zephyr Cove Beach where it’s a popular hangout for college kids. We got a spot in the back and set-up a big shady tarp for a view of the lake and all the partying happening around us.
I was amazed at how Kumquat kept herself occupied for so long by playing with the sand and the bucket/shovel that we brought from home. I actually got to crack open a magazine and relax a bit. Jesse and James also BBQ’d around the corner and we enjoyed chicken wings, corn, and sausage under our little campsite along with a box of wine.
Later in the evening, we went out for dinner at the casinos and walked around a bit in the warm evening weather.
Our drive home on Sunday was smooth with the exception for a 5-mile stretch of traffic in Davis where it was 104 degrees outside. All-in-all it was a good but short trip.
A couple weeks ago, Mirian told me that her aunt will be going back to El Salvador so she asked if she could bring Karla to our house everyday. Well, that would be considered a nanny share so we made some negotiations and we struck a deal that works for both families! So starting on Monday (7/1), Karla started coming over with Mirian and Kumquat has a new pal! They are so cute together and being only 2 weeks younger, Karla makes the perfect share care buddy. What makes things even better is now we get to pay less for childcare! Woot!
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