Browse Month: June 2013

Single Parent Day 2

Today was less exciting than yesterday and I think I prefer it that way.  I had to walk Koa this morning so Kumquat took her morning bottle in the stroller.  That seemed to work out well.  Mirian came at 8:45 and I managed to walk in the door at work by 9:15.  Sweet.

After work, we made a trip to Safeway to buy some groceries and then it was dinner, a bath for Kumquat, FaceTime with the grandparents, and then off to bed.  I even managed to find time to do a load of laundry and tidy up the kitchen.

Once Kumquat was asleep, I made some zucchini, carrot, and egg tarts.  We’re now way past the puree stage and it was time to make some freezable meals for the monster.  This is what I did:

  1. IMG_6962I used the food processor to shred zucchini and carrots.  It took only a couple minutes.  Amazing.  The best part is that I don’t have to stress out about not scraping my hand on a grater.
  2. IMG_6970Then I combined the zucchini and carrots with some seasoned bread crumbs I found in the pantry, leftover shredded cheese from the fridge, minced garlic, and two eggs.
  3. IMG_6971I wanted a bit more iron and protein so I added one more egg.
  4. IMG_6973They went into a muffin tin and baked at 400 degrees for about 12 minutes.

IMG_6975DING!  They came out perfectly and the one I tasted was delicious!

IMG_6979Here they are in the freezer bag ready for storage.  Easy, right?!

Single Parent Day 1

IMG_2835Jes took off for a conference in Colorado this morning and it was just me and the kid for the day.  It almost felt like being on maternity leave again.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe it was because we had the whole day to ourselves like before and the weather was really nice too.  One year ago, Kumquat was just 6 weeks old and my mom had gone back to Southern CA.  Today we did similar things: Target, walked the dog, went to the mall, and played at home.

I had a good time hanging out with my little girl today but she did scare me a bit this afternoon.  I took her to the playground (the one she goes to EVERY afternoon) and she was having a really fun time playing with a car she found.  Then it was time to go home and she threw the biggest fit she’s ever had with me.  IMG_2852At one point she cried so hard that she was practically holding her breath, her face turned dusky, and she started to doze off.  I happened to be taking a photo at the time and caught this very disturbing photo of her.

IMG_2853I immediately shook her and she took a huge gasp and started to cry again.  What the heck, baby?!  That was NOT cool!!

IMG_2862And so that was my Sunday.  Hope the rest of my week goes better.  Luckily, I got permission to go into work late for the next 3 days since Jes isn’t going to be around to pad the 7:30-8:45 time before Mirian arrives. Thank goodness for such an understanding manager.

Sunny Saturday

IMG_2789We had some really nice weather this weekend. Saturday started with a walk down The Embarcadero to the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market. Koa came along too and we all got some Vitamin D.

IMG_2790After Kumquat’s nap, we drove down to Foster City for the Wine & Arts Festival. It was pretty hot out there but a nice change from the SF fog.IMG_2792For dinner, we headed to San Mateo for some sushi.  We ordered omakaze for the table and most of it was good but I was distracted by an antsy toddler.

IMG_2808Later that night, Jia and Jason were nice enough to come over to watch Kumquat while Jes and I headed out for a rare night out.

modelSFMoMA is closing for a few years for renovation and expansion so they opened it to the public for 24 hours, had live music, a bar, and free admission!  The photo above is a model of the new building.  It was fun wandering the museum late at night and it was a lively party filled with the typical SF crowd.

IMG_6959It was a nice end to a fun-filled day.

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