Browse Month: June 2013

Day off

I love having random days off.  I took one today since I had worked so hard all month.  IMG_3368The day started in Orinda with Ranee and Sophie.   Stephanie also stopped by since she’s still waiting for baby to arrive. IMG_3366 We met up at Peet’s and walked over to Republic of Cakes for a free story and music time.

IMG_3420The girls had fun and the grown-ups got to do some catching up.

IMG_3387Afterward, we stopped at Teresa’s house to drop off her birthday present.  She had the day off too because of her birthday so it was perfect.  Kumquat got to play with their dog Bailey and hung out with Aaron too.

IMG_3397 For lunch, we got home a little late and Kumquat was sleeping.  I was hungry and it was a gorgeous day outside so I wheeled her over to MoMo’s and I had a nice lunch out on the patio.  Aaah…

IMG_3410For dinner, we went to Paragon for an outdoor dinner.  All in all it was a fantastic day off and great way to kick off summer and my long weekend.

IMG_3411I other news, Koa has been having a great time with Jia this week.  She sent me photos of him at Half Moon Bay.  He even got to run off-leash near the water too.  Lucky dog.

Upcoming Races

runningIt’s time to get back to running.  I’ve been running about twice per week if my back is feeling ok and now it’s time to ramp up a bit.  So far this is what I have lined up:

  1. Giants 10K in August. I’ve done the Half Marathon and I’ve done the 5K once before  so why not complete the set and run the 10K?!  Luckily I have a few friends running it with me.  It should be a lot of fun and you really can’t beat having the start and finish right outside your home.
  2. Disneyland Family Fun Run 5K over Labor Day weekend.  It should be really fun to be able to run through Disneyland park at 5:30 am!!  On top of that, Kumquat is signed up for her very first race (gotta start them early!).  It’s called the Disney Diaper Dash and she’ll be able to run 100 meters and she’ll get her very own t-shirt and finisher’s medal!  At 16 months of age, she’ll be super ready!  Hopefully she won’t outgrow her Nikes by then.

So, now comes the training.  I just need to start adding a mile every week or so starting at 3 miles.  This afternoon, I pushed Kumquat in the stroller for 3.1 miles.  It was SO hot and humid today but I finished.  My time was horrible but I did it.

Only 6 weeks to go!

**UPDATE: Stephanie reminded me that I HAVE run the 10K before.  In fact, I ran it when I was 3 months pregnant.  Wow, I’m impressed with my past self.

Happy Father’s Day


We spent Father’s Day in town this year.  Last year, Jes celebrated his first Father’s Day in Cerritos so it felt almost like his first one all over again this year.  This morning Kumquat greeted him in bed and the three of us snuggled up together like we used to when she was very little.

IMG_3184Later we went to the Aquarium of the Bay, which is a small aquarium at Pier 39.  We’ve lived here almost 6 years and I was always curious about it.  Well, dads got free admission today and I had a 20% off coupon for my ticket so it was the perfect day to go.

fishThe best part of the aquarium was their underwater tube.  Schools of fish would swirl around and then zoom by like it was a water highway.

familyWe got a lot of outdoor time since we walked there and back.  We had really nice weather this weekend.

IMG_3196For dinner, we went to Hillstone for a fat steak for Jes and a surpisingly delicious and satisfying kale and chicken salad for me.  Kumquat also had her first taste of peanuts and I am relieved to report that she does not have Brother’s peanut allergy.  Yes!ninadaddyHappy Father’s Day to Jes and also to my Daddy.  And Happy Pre-Father’s Day to my brother!

Poop Text

poop textMy dear friend Ranee has returned to the work force part-time and it’s been so much fun having her around.  She even shares my desk on the days she works.  On Tuesday, I got a text from Jes.  He found Kumquat in the middle of the room crying and grunting like she sometimes does so he put her on the new toilet seat we bought her and sat with her for about 5 minutes.  It was a successful pooping session and I got a full report.  As I was sharing this text with Ranee, she showed me a similar text from her husband Jamie that she received just minutes before mine.

I pasted the two screenshots together to commemorate this funny little moment of working mommies with dads at home dealing with the day-to-day baby stuff.  We certainly got a good laugh that morning.  Ah…simple pleasures.


IMG_7069It was our 5th entry in the BORP Wheelchair Tournament today and WE WON!!!!  We went from a riff-raff bunch of therapists who scored only 7 points in a whole day to getting through to the championship and winning!  It looks like the new additions to our team this year have really helped.

IMG_7062Kumquat was there to watch and take a ride on a wheelchair.

IMG_3018We also went to Tacubaya to celebrate and Kumquat got a photo with Stephanie on her first official day of maternity leave.  We’re all going to miss her for the next few months but we can’t wait to meet Baby Osborne.

Single Parent Day 3

IMG_2902Kumquat and I are in a groove now.  Only one more day before Jes gets back from Colorado.  I also got my sunglasses back.  I had misplaced them somewhere between my car and my condo last week when I got home from work.  I asked one of the association staff guys if anyone happened to pick them up and someone turned them in!! Woot!  Oh happy day!

This evening after Kumquat went to bed, I made some meatloaf tarts.  I have a general idea of how meatballs or meatloaf is made so I improvised with what I had.  Here’s what I did:

  1. IMG_6990I combined in a bowl the following: 1 cup shredded zucchini, 1 cup shredded carrots, 2 eggs, 3/4 lbs ground beef, 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs, 2 cloves of garlic (minced), and a big plop of tomato sauce.
  2. IMG_6994Then the mixture went into a muffin tin.
  3. IMG_6997They baked in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes and Ta Da!!

IMG_6999All done.  It’s so simple and easy.


Now they’re all packed up and ready to go in the freezer.  I have 12 meals ready and waiting to be gobbled up by Little Miss Kumquat.  Hm…what should I make next?

By the way, she liked the egg tart I made for her last night.  Making baby food is fun when you make the time.

Oh yeah…one more thing.  I recorded this tonight for a dear friend who was asking me how to make orange segments.

Click here if you can’t view the video above.

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