Browse Day: April 27, 2013

5 years

IMG_2191 On Friday evening, I took BART to Oakland for this year’s Employee Recognition Dinner.  Everyone who has worked for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years at Children’s was invited to attend and I was one of them!  IMG_2099Teresa was my +1 since Jes stayed home with Kumquat and we had a fun time.  It was at the Oakland Marriott and set up similar to a wedding reception.  There was a live band, dinner, a very expensive cash bar, and a little dancing at the end.  A glass of wine was a whoppin’ $12 but we discovered that a bottle was only $26.  So we went all out and bought a bottle to share.  After the boys heard what kind of deal it was, we ended up with 2 more bottles.  Heh heh.  Afterward, we went down the street to District for one more glass of wine before heading home.

shoesIt was a long journey back to SF and I was so glad I packed a pair of flats.  Good times…