Feeding Therapist Mommy Fail
At Kumquat’s last check-up, we learned that she’s anemic and needs more iron-rich foods. So, being the dutiful mommy, I went to Whole Foods and bought chicken livers. I’ve had chicken liver prepared in a fancy restaurant and I’m a fan of foie gras so I was excited to make a fancy pate for the little one.
Tonight after the kid went to sleep, I took out my recipe and cut up the onion as it had instructed. Then it was time to unwrap the package of livers and I was a little grossed out. But I powered through and cleaned them and trimmed off the connective tissue and veins with a stink-face that made my forehead tired. Then I fired up the stove and began the saute portion of the recipe. As I stirred and shuffled the ingredients around, I thought, “it’s not so bad” with a fake look of contentment on my face.
Then it was time to put it all in the food processor with the lemon juice and salt. Sounded pretty good so far in my head. The lid went on and I pureed it to a smooth consistency. Seems easy enough.
THEN…I uncovered the bowl and a huge cloud of nastiness wafted over me and I thought I was going to hurl. My eyes watered and I had to do everything to hold it together. I had to scrape the gray mush off the sides of the bowl and I was utterly grossed out. I hate to say this but it looked and smelled like something I should be giving to Koa. By the way, he was sitting right there at my feet waiting for something to drop.
Once I got it all out of the food processor and into a container for storage, it was time to taste it. I had Jes take a taste first and he said, “It just tastes like liver.” So I gave it a try and had to do everything I could to not throw up. Luckily for me there was a can of ice cold limonata in the fridge to save me.
How am I going to keep it together long enough to feed this to my 12-month-old?! As a mom and therapist, I told myself I’d try everything I fed her and I did. Can I fake it well enough to convince her it’s tasty? Don’t think so. I’m just crossing my fingers that she’ll just gobble it down like everything else I’ve given her. If she doesn’t go for it, Koa’s going to have a feast later this week.
UPDATE: She ate it and finished a full helping of it. Good baby. I didn’t make any faces and it actually tasted better cold from the fridge the next day. Good job, me. ;P
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