Browse Month: March 2013

SF Zoo

giraffe We’ve lived in SF for almost 6 years and I’ve been wanting to visit the local zoo but never got around to it.  Well, now that we have a little tot, it was the perfect time to go!  I admit, I was way more excited than Kumquat.  😉

DSC_0901I LOVED the giraffe exhibit.  They place the giraffes really close and the grass and trees made it looks so picturesque.

grizzly bearGrizzly Gulch was cool too.  They had two sister grizzly bears on display and this one was snacking in the water right in front of the glass.  I hope I never bump into one of these on a camping trip.


We saw a pair of gorillas and Jesse sized himself up.

prairie dogsThis was a fun place to bring Kumquat.  Now that she can cruise and stand on her own, this prairie dog exhibit was perfect.  They were so cute!

mommy and baby

The weather cooperated with us this afternoon and since it was a semi-rainy day, there weren’t any crowds.  For $12 per adult (SF resident price), it was a pretty nice zoo with so much to see.  We’ll have to bring Kumquat back once they finish their new playground.


brunchI just had to post this photo of the four kids ready to eat at a fancy brunch spot in Walnut Creek.  They all look so serious.  Makes me laugh each time I look at it.

By the way, the food was delicious and we got complimentary bengeits and fruit!  AAAAND my mimosa was only ONE DOLLAR!!!  Whut?!

I had a great time catching up with the grown-ups!  Let’s do it again soon!

Bumping into Friends

BangsOn Friday night, we met up with Jia and Jason for dinner at a Chinese restaurant in San Mateo.  We were seated and getting ready to order when the guy at the next table comes by to say “hi”.  It was Bang!  He was there with his folks and Vyl’s stepfather for dinner too!  What a funny coincidence.  None of us at our table had noticed them.  I even noticed the kid in a highchair because I was searching for one for Kumquat and didn’t bother looking at the rest of the people at the table.  Apparently the Bangs eat there all the time.  I guess we made a good choice.

Good ol’ HH

HH at CommonwealthOn Thursday, there was an HH scheduled at Commonwealth and by 3:00 pm that afternoon I was still trying to figure out how to get home to pick up Kumquat and be back in Oakland by 5:00 with one last patient to see at 3:15 and a Giants v. A’s game scheduled in SF at 7:15.  Well, within a minute of my last ditch effort to figure out the logistics, I got a call from Jes telling me that he’d be home early.  WOOOT!

foodI got to enjoy HH without the nightmare logistics and having a baby to tend to at the bar.

teresaI think the last time I had a REAL HH like this was a little less than two years ago.  Thanks for watching Kumquat, Jes!

Congrats to the Bangs!


I was so pleased to receive this text this morning.  The Bangs greeted their newest family member this morning at CPMC.

baby chiangBaby Girl was born 7 lbs, 3 oz and 20.5 inches!  Vyl looks good and she’s resting nicely in their post-partum room while Rowan is at home with his Grandma.

meetingWe went there tonight to meet the little one who doesn’t have a name yet and look how gigantic Kumquat looks next to her!

Congratulations to the Bangs and Happy Birthday, Little One!!

***Update: Her name is Isla Lillian!!***