Fruits and Veggies
On Monday, we bought a big box of mangoes from Costco and they have been so good. I think I’ve eaten a mango each day this week! Last night as I was cutting one up, I had a craving for Thai coconut sticky rice. So, I made it. And it was delicious. Thanks for the secret recipe, Mommy! I’ll make sure to pass it down to Kumquat when she’s older.
Yesterday, Kumquat and I made our usual trip to the Farmer’s Market and picked up some kale and romanesco.
Since Jes is on a 3-day cleanse, I cooked them up for dinner tonight. I tossed the romanesco in olive oil and sprinkled on some salt. They baked in the oven at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes and it was so tasty!
I also had some kale left over after making Kumquat’s baby food so we cooked it up with some bacon!!! I actually thought the steamed kale that I made for Kumquat was good but this was so much better…of course.
Who thought eating fruits and veggies could be so easy?! I guess if the baby loves it, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t too.
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