Browse Day: February 17, 2013

Fruits and Veggies

mango and sticky riceOn Monday, we bought a big box of mangoes from Costco and they have been so good.  I think I’ve eaten a mango each day this week!  Last night as I was cutting one up, I had a craving for Thai coconut sticky rice.  So, I made it.  And it was delicious.  Thanks for the secret recipe, Mommy!  I’ll make sure to pass it down to Kumquat when she’s older.

kumquat and romanescoYesterday, Kumquat and I made our usual trip to the Farmer’s Market and picked up some kale and romanesco.

roasted romanescoSince Jes is on a 3-day cleanse, I cooked them up for dinner tonight.  I tossed the romanesco in olive oil and sprinkled on some salt.  They baked in the oven at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes and it was so tasty!

kale and baconI also had some kale left over after making Kumquat’s baby food so we cooked it up with some bacon!!!  I actually thought the steamed kale that I made for Kumquat was good but this was so much better…of course.

Who thought eating fruits and veggies could be so easy?!  I guess if the baby loves it, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t too.