Browse Month: January 2013

Farmer’s Market

breakfastAs you all know, one of my favorite things to do is go to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings.  It used to be a something that I enjoyed by myself but it seems even more fun with Kumquat now.  I picked up a morning bun from the Downtown Bakery stand and a cup of coffee from Peet’s and then we sat down by the water to have breakfast together.

cosentinoThis morning was especially cool because I actually got the courage to say “hello” to Chef Cosentino, who I’ve seen there severally times buying produce for his restaurant.  I asked if he would take a photo with the Kumquat and he was so nice to humor me.  I love the Jesse scowl that she gave him.

A Day in The Creek

the girlsOn Sunday, Jes was sick as a dog so it was a good thing I had some stuff planned that day.  In the morning, I packed up Kumquat and her stuff and headed out to Lafayette for brunch with Ranee and Steph.  Stephanie just announced to all of us (on NYE) that she’s expecting a baby in June!  Woohoo!  I couldn’t be happier for her and Nathan.  Ranee has been just as excited so we planned this brunch to get caught up and hang out.  sophieIt was freezing cold – I mean literally 32 degrees there that morning and little Sophie had to wear her beanie in the restaurant.  So cute!  There was also an extra spot at the table for Steph’s baby so we’ll have to plan another brunch a year from this day. He/she should be ready to sit in a highchair and grub with the rest of us!

peet'sAfterward, I met up with Michelle in Walnut Creek.  I had some errands to run there so it was a good place to meet up.  I hadn’t seen her since she and the family moved to Orinda.  Here we are at Peet’s Coffee waiting for Michelle.  I was so excited to see her that I forgot to take a photo.  We had lunch in a little diner and I had a surprisingly tasty cup of posole there!

nappingOnce lunch was over, Kumquat had fallen asleep in the stroller.  Instead of waking her, I decided to let her take her full 2-hour nap and I got to do some shopping!  Broadway Plaza has lots of good shops and I got an awesome parking space on the street.  It was perfect.  I picked up a new jacket for myself and some ridiculously cheap clothes for Kumquat at Gap.

gap saleCheck out that price!  That cute purple shirt was $5.97 plus an additional 40% off!

What a good Sunday.  I got some girl time and alone time, Kumquat got a really good nap, and Jes got some rest too that day.

Tasty Treats

lemon tartIt’s been a while since I last blogged about food.  So far this year I’ve had a few tasty treats already.  The first one is the Lemon Tart from Trader Joe’s.  I decided that it’s the closest thing to the lemon bar from Bakesale Betty, which they stopped making a few years ago.  By the way, I’m still pissed about that.  Anyway, this comes in the form of an 8-inch tart and it’s soooo tasty.  We bought one a couple weekends ago and it lasted about a week in our fridge.  Ever heard of pie for breakfast?  Well, that happened.  Heh heh.

dim sum

Then last weekend, Jia and Jason to us to a dim sum place called BK’s Bistro in Fremont.  Jason was so excited because they had the pineapple bun (“bo-lo-bao” in Chinese) with BBQ pork inside.  It’s pictured in the bottom right photo next to the jook.  It was totally worth the drive.  So tasty!  We also had some fried milk (top right) and the inside reminded me a little of the filling in a kanom krok.  They also served fried dough (“pa-tan-go” in Thai) wrapped in rice noodle (left).  Sounds weird but it was delicious!

Ringing in the New Year

NYEHappy New Year!  This year we rang in the new year with Jason and Jia.  We went to their apartment for a tasty dinner and just hung out watching TV.  Kumquat and Koa played and also begged for cheese and salami.

crankyAt about 8:30 or 9:00, Kumquat really tired and cranky so I helped her fall asleep and in the process fell asleep too.  So I took a quick nap and woke up at 11:00 pm in time to watch the festivities on TV.  When the clock struck 12, it was the beginning of 2013 and Jes was on the toilet and Kumquat had just woken up.  Awesome.

family hugAt 12:02 am, the three of us had a big New Year’s Day hug and I got a big glass of champagne to make up for the tiny sip that I had last year while I was preggo.

IMG_9894 The next day, I was up pretty early and took Koa for a walk to the dog run just next door to the apartment complex.  We got a nice walk by the water and then Koa got to run off-leash for a bit.

dog park

I was lucky enough to have a guy there with two dogs and he was super nice about Koa’s unusual social habit of making an unfriendly-sounding rawr everytime a dog came nearby.  Eventually, he was able to run with the others and everyone had a good time.

rose paradeThe rest of the day was spent lounging around the house, eating breakfast and pie, and napping.  Kumquat also got to watch part of the Rose Parade with me.  Aaaah…that was so much better than going to work.

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