Browse Day: January 20, 2013

Sunday Quiche

sunriseI was up early this morning while the baby and husband were asleep.  Koa and I took a long walk outside and watched the sun come up.  Lately my walks with Koa have been rushed and chaotic because I’m either late for work or trying to manage him on a leash while pushing a stroller.  It was beautiful outside today.  I forgot how nice it can be out there.  I think Koa had a good time too.

beforeAfter our walk, I decided to make breakfast and found a recipe for a Spinach and Bacon Quiche.  Since I had to buy who pie crusts, I decided to double the recipe and make two.  They keep well so why not?  Here are the ingredients laid out before pouring the egg and cream mixture in.

afterHere’s the final product.  Voila!  We have a quiche!

Farmer’s Market

breakfastAs you all know, one of my favorite things to do is go to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings.  It used to be a something that I enjoyed by myself but it seems even more fun with Kumquat now.  I picked up a morning bun from the Downtown Bakery stand and a cup of coffee from Peet’s and then we sat down by the water to have breakfast together.

cosentinoThis morning was especially cool because I actually got the courage to say “hello” to Chef Cosentino, who I’ve seen there severally times buying produce for his restaurant.  I asked if he would take a photo with the Kumquat and he was so nice to humor me.  I love the Jesse scowl that she gave him.