Half Birthday
Today Kumquat had her half birthday and I had a long Saturday to really reflect on everything that has happened so far. Sounds silly since she’s not even a year old yet but I can’t help feel nostalgic. I already have thousands of photos and videos of my little girl and yet I feel like I haven’t done enough to really capture the experience thus far.
After attending my lactation class this past week, I was impressed that my hospital did such a great job in teaching me and Jes all the things we needed to know regarding feeding and caring for a newborn because it was all repeated in the class. They also provided us with every opportunity to bond with her (by delaying the weigh-in and bath) from the moment she was born, which I think helped her grow into an adaptable and secure baby. Of course we’re also first and foremost lucky to have a baby that is so healthy and so eager to eat and learn from the start.
Six months later, I now have a chubby baby girl who sits up on her own, has two little teef, eats solids, and gives me a big smile when I come home from work. She’s been a pretty easy baby so far and I’ve learned a lot from her already.
Here are some of my favorite moments from the past 3 months:
1. Watching her play with her pal Sophie.
2. Seeing her face light up at the aquarium.
3. Seeing Jes walking back from the lavatory in the airplane with a naked baby.
4. Hearing her cracking up at Koa’s every move.
5. Feeling her first tooth.
Here are my least favorite moments:
1. Leaving her on my first day back at work.
2. Seeing how miserable she was when she got her first cold.
3. Searching for a nanny.
4. Putting away her 0-3 month clothes.
Today I took her on a walk to the new Target down the street and on the way home we picked up a cupcake to celebrate out accomplishments as mommy and baby. We’ve both endured together the nighttime feedings, stuffy noses, and afternoons of being just plain old grouchy. We’ve also shared lots of conversations, giggles, naps on the couch, and new experiences.
So, after her serving of sweet potato, I lit a candle and wished her a happy half birthday in hopes of a smooth second half to the first year of our life together as a family. I hope that we’re doing everything right so far and even if we’re not, I hope she grows up knowing how much we love her.
Happy Half Birthday, Kumquat! We love you!
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