Happy Sweet Potato Day!
Kumquat is one week away from turning 6 months old and in honor of the appearance of her first tooth, I decided to start her on solids today. For her first meal, I wanted to make sweet potato puree so we took a little trip to the Farmers’ Market and picked up a couple for $1.50. What a deal!
This was my first attempt at making my very own baby food and it was pretty fun. Here’s what I did:
After washing them, I wrapped them in foil.
They went in the toaster oven at 325 degrees and cooked for about an hour and a half.
Yeah, that’s a long time. I think it needed to be baked at 350 instead.
When they were done, they looked so tasty – like Thanksgiving tasty.
Once they cooled, I cut them in half and they went into the ricer.
It was super easy to get the sweet potato mashed and looked pretty cool when it came out like spaghetti.
The sweet potato came out nice and smooth while all the “strings” and skin stayed in the ricer.
When I mixed it up, it was pretty thick so I thinned out a small portion with a tablespoon of water at a time until it was a thin puree. It’s so simple and nutritious and without anything extra added to it.
Here’s the final product along with Kumquat’s cute little spoon. 🙂
After I fed Kumquat and knew that it was passable to her, I prepared the rest of the batch and it all went into the ice cube tray and in the freezer.
When it was all frozen, they popped out so easily!
They all went into a freezer bag and now they’re in little 3/4-ounce portions. Neato.
It’s a little bit of work for a whole lot of awesome. I think Kumquat liked it and as a therapist who feeds babies for a living, this was an exciting day for me too. 🙂
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