Browse Day: August 30, 2012

Up All Night

Last night (more like this morning), Kumquat got up every hour screaming.  I don’t know why but all I know is that I was up all night starting at 1:30 am.  I didn’t get to take a nap until about 5:30 am but then she woke up at her usual 6:00 am and I had to entertain her until 7:00 am to feed her.  Then I put her in the stroller in order to clean up but then fell asleep on the couch!

I didn’t wake up again until 8, which is what time I was actually supposed to be at work!!  She woke up just in time for me to leave so I put her on the bed next to a sleeping Jes and left.  I didn’t get to work until 8:30 and luckily no one was looking for me.  The rest of the day was rough but I survived.

When I got home, I found a bouquet of flowers on the table, which Jes said was from Kumquat.  It was her way of saying “sorry for being a wanker last night”.  Aw, cute.

Jason & Jia

Jason and Jia were in SF for a long weekend to find a place to live since they’re planning to move here in October.  They stayed with us for 4 days and it was fun having them around.  Kumquat got a kick out both of them and I’m sure Jes appreciated the extra help during the week.

They came along for the America’s Cup on Sunday and got to experience our “wonderful” public transportation system.

We had some tasty dinners (Washington Bakery, Zero Zero, Fringale, and Mokutanya) and also experienced a few diaper blowouts while we were out.

We dropped them off at the airport on Tuesday night and we can’t wait to have them nearby.  It looks like they’ve decided on an apartment in Foster City that’s right next to a 99 Ranch Market and one freeway exit from Jason’s work.  See you both this Fall!!!