running on fumes
Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I’ve been surviving work on half a tank of gas and running on fumes by the time I get home. As soon as I’m home, it’s baby duty for me and by the time Kumquat goes to bed, I’m practically asleep in front of my laptop.
It’s been three weeks since I returned to work and each week seems to drag longer than the previous.
Kumquat has been waking up at 3 or 4 am most nights and we had one morning when she cried for 2 straight hours until my alarm went off for the morning. That work day was NOT fun. I’m also in the middle of a transition at work where I’m training a new hire to take my place while I’m going to be working on a different service starting next week. I’m sure all that has contributed to this sapped feeling I had all week.
Luckily it’s Saturday morning now and I just spent an hour and a half playing with Kumquat and she actually let me sleep for 6 straight hours last night! Aaaaah…life is good again.
Jes has been doing great as Mr. Mom. He seems to have the routine down quite well and even makes dinner most nights!
He also managed to get both of them on Muni and BART and then my hospital shuttle so that they could meet me and the girls for Happy Hour on Thursday night.
It was really fun being out with everyone and having the husband and baby along too. It was the best of both worlds.
Last night we also went out for a little evening outing. After feeding Kumquat at 7, we packed her up in the stroller and walked to Super Duper for a tasty hamburger. Afterward, we headed over to La Boulange at the mall and hung out with a bottle of wine while Kumquat slept. We were back home by 10:30 and I had a good Friday buzz. That was a nice way to end a rough week.
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