Things I’ve Learned
Right around this time last year, we were seriously considering starting a family. One year later, Kumquat is 9 weeks and 3 days old and I’ve been off work for just under 14 weeks. Over the past year, I’ve learned a few things:
- People in SF aren’t very nice to pregnant ladies. In the 4-5 months of actually looking preggo, I can only count about 7 different times that someone has given up a seat for me on a crowded bus or muni train.
- Going to Happy Hour completely sober made me realize that some of my friends aren’t THAT funny and some really are. I actually had some fun times being the DD.
- Groupon and Livingsocial deals aren’t that relevant to me anymore.
- Giving birth really is a rite of passage. I’ve never felt so much pain and joy in my life. And I still think that giving birth is way harder than running a marathon.
- When I’m walking the dog with the baby, people compliment me on my cute dog WAY MORE than my cute baby.
- I don’t actually need 8 straight hours of sleep to function and naps are awesome.
- I’m glad that we lived as DINKs (double income, no kids) for almost 10 years before having a baby. By the time Kumquat arrived, I was ready for the next chapter.
- I really enjoyed running and miss it.
- My iPhone has become my best friend this past year. Not sure how I would have survived the sleepless nights on the couch. Loved Twitter, Bejeweled Blitz, and BabyCenter while I was pregnant. Now it helps me keep track of everything Kumquat does. Baby Connect records every poop, every nap, and every feeding and the camera helps me remember every smile.
- I love being a mommy. Maybe I was made to have a baby after all.
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