Kumquat Update
If you’ve been to Kumquat’s tumblr site this past week, you’ve probably noticed the lack of new photos. Well, it’s because I’ve migrated the content to a new domain, went back to good ol’ WordPress to publish, and Brother is hosting yet another one of my blogs. The reason for the move was that I was quickly feeling Tumblr’s limitations with personalization and security. It only allowed for tags and not categories and I wasn’t really sure where my photos were being stored. Now with the new and improved site, the photos are sitting in Brother’s server and my posts aren’t automatically available to anyone who is on tumblr and happens to be searching the word “smile” or “hello”, which were two of my tags.
Anyway, from now on, for your daily fill of Kumquat cuteness, go to: littlejanie.org
Now, there has been one more question that has been coming up. People have been asking me, “What are you really calling her? Janie? Kaylee?” Well, the answer for now is neither. At home, Jes and I have been calling her “Baby” and “Kumquat”. I’ve been referring to her as Janie on her blog to keep her a little more “anonymous” and I also really like the name. However, it seems that she has chosen her name on her own. She seems to be responding better to “Kaylee” when my mom calls her on FaceTime. She’s called out “Janie” several times and “Kaylee” seems to get her attention and she’ll also smile. Oh well, should have known that Jes’ daughter would make things difficult. 😉 So I think her name will be “Kaylee” after all but for now you can pretty much call her anything since she’s still so little. Or she’ll just learn (like the dog has) to respond to several different names. Heh heh.
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