I love sea otters. I want to take this guy home and keep him in my bathtub.
I love sea otters. I want to take this guy home and keep him in my bathtub.
Ever since we moved to SF, we’ve been going out to a nice restaurant once a week. It’s great to live in a city with so many good restaurants and this is how we were able to try some of the best over the past 5 years. It used to be Wednesdays but at one point it migrated to Tuesdays. Well, with the baby countdown in our midst, we made sure to continue this tradition and we’ve been to some pretty good places. In the past three weeks, we’ve been to places that all start with “Chez”: Chez Spencer, Chez Papa Resto, and last night we went to Chez Panisse Cafe. It wasn’t on purpose but turned out to be a funny coincidence.
Anyway, last night was considered possibly one of our last nights out to dinner and it was appropriate that we had dinner at a place that we first visited over 10 years ago. This time we ate upstairs in the more casual cafe and we had a nice time. We enjoyed the Duck a l’Orange with blood oranges and a garlic souffle and the handmade pasta with trumpet mushrooms and fava beans.
The best part of the night was the dessert. We usually share one but we splurged and had two! Both were so yummy: ginger cake with candied kumquat and chantilly creme and the meyer lemon and pink lady apple galette with vanilla ice cream. Yum.
Hopefully we’ll be able to have some nights out after Kumquat arrives but I know that it won’t be as frequent. I’m just glad that we had the last five years to indulge. Cheers!!
Oh boy, I’ve got about 2 weeks to go. At this point, walking long distances is getting a little less comfortable and I’m stopping at the restroom about every hour.
Today’s ultrasound and non-stress test were pretty routine. Nothing new to really report except I had a really big Braxton-Hicks contraction in the middle of the 20-minute period. Last week, I had a peak of 90 and this week it went to 100. Check out that curve! It lasted for quite a while too. Baby still has lots of room to move around and the nurse said that she’s in the perfect position right now.
We also recently opened and assembled the Pack-n-Play. Here’s a view of it from the changing table. It has storage and a hamper built-in.
Here’s a view of it from the side. The baby will sleep in the top bunk until she gets big enough to sit up. Then the top bunk gets taken off and she sleeps on the bottom.
Finally, here’s my profile. Dang, I’m huge! But I’m happy to report that my wedding ring still fits and I don’t have cankles yet. I did have a scare on Saturday night when my right foot started to swell but it was back to normal by morning. Phew!
We’ve had some good sunshine these past couple days, which makes taking photos indoors much easier. Here are some close-ups taken with my new lens.
Yellow Ranunculus
Sleeping Dog
(By the way, he LOVES it when I do this to him.)
My dear friend Teresa is getting married in June and I’m in her wedding! Yay! As her big day approaches, there’s been a lot going on. On Saturday, I met up with T, her mom, and the maid of honor for her gown fitting and got a preview of her wedding dress and veil. She looked so lovely and we were all very excited for her. I’m not going to give away her dress but here are her shoes. They’re going to get dyed deep purple like my dress.
Here is the dress I chose out of the 6 silk chiffon J. Crew options. I had to guess my dress size since trying them on with this big ol’ belly wasn’t going to work. Hopefully, I’ll be able to fit this thing after Kumquat arrives.
On Sunday, Jes and I went to Teresa and Aaron’s Wedding Shower that took place at Aaron’s dad’s church. Yep, she’s marrying a Pastor’s Kid (PK) just like I did. We attended Sunday service at 10 am, went for a little coffee break and walk around the neighborhood afterward, and then attended their wedding shower at 1 pm. We hung out with Teresa’s folks who are pretty cool and we met some of the others in the wedding party too.
The wedding will be in Santa Cruz and should be fun!! I also get to buy Kumquat a little purple dress too! Yippee!
Dayantha was in SF for the past week for a conference and then he stayed for the weekend. Krissy also flew up on Wednesday night to join him. So, starting on Thursday night, we were out late eating/drinking for the next 3 days. My endurance was definitely tested this weekend. Thursday night started at B Bar and then we had dinner at Zero Zero until it closed. The food was tasty, everyone was hammered, and we didn’t get home until 12:30. I was exhausted.
On Friday night, HH started at 5:30 and Jes went ahead without me while I took a nap first. It was a good thing I did because we were out for another long night. Luckily the evening was warm enough to hang out on the patio until 10:30. It wasn’t until about 11 that we actually ate dinner at a hole-in-the-wall Thai noodle place. We took the last Muni train back home and I SO was ready for bed.
On Saturday, we started the day with Dim Sum. With 8 people around the table, we had a feast of dumplings and other tasty dishes. After an afternoon nap, we went to Lucky Strike to watch the Final Four games and then had a fatty dinner at Pearl’s Deluxe Burgers afterward. If a huge burger and chili cheese fries weren’t enough, the Masayas went to Bob’s Donut & Pastry Shop to pick up dessert. They came over and we shared all their famous giant glazed donut along with some donut holes and an old fashioned. I guess that was a good way to finish 3 late nights but I should probably have salads for the next few days.
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