Browse Month: April 2012

Kumquat has arrived!

I did it. Labored from 3-10 am and pushed for 2 hours. I did it without an epidural and it hurt SO MUCH. The pushing at the end took a little longer because the little stinker had her hand by her face and it came out with her head.

Kumquat’s official name is Kaylee Jane Lao. She arrived on April 20th at 12:14 pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 20 inches.



Everyone is doing great.  UCSF is awesome so far.


12:15 pm

Well, I totally lied on that last update, but the baby’s finally here and both her and mom are doing fine!

9:48 am

Doctor’s in the room now full-time and Nina’s pushing.  Shouldn’t be long now.

9:48 am

Another doctor check.  9cm, but water still not broken.  She’s being a trooper.

9:24 am

They just set up the delivery cart with a bunch of scary looking stainless steel implements.  Hope this means Kumquat is coming soon.

8:55 am

Just met the doctor and Nina got examined. 8cm.  Progress is really good, says the delivery team.

8:37 am

Same deal.  Looks hurty.

7:33 am

Shift change.  We have a new set of nurses/doctors, and everyone seems very friendly and accommodating.  On the downside, this could potentially take another 13 hours, and her pain is getting pretty intense.  Contractions every 2-3 minutes, lasting for about 30 seconds to a minute.

6:30 am

Doctor came by, and Nina’s at 5cm; so we’ve been admitted to the birthing suite, where it’s nice and luxurious. There’s a great view of the city with a gorgeous sunrise.  Sadly, having a baby hurts, so she’s not really spending much time looking out the window.

5:30 am

So this is Jes. She’s hooked up to the monitors in a triage room, waiting for the doctor to examine her. Contractions about 5 min apart.
I’ve got nothing else to do here, so I’ll try to give some periodic updates.

4:03 am

I’ve been up since 3 am and it hurts. Called the hospital and it’s for real. It’s Kumquat Time, everyone!!!

Clean and Fuzzy

This afternoon my mom and I walked Koa to the bathhouse down the street and gave him a deadly bath.  He hadn’t had a bath since his 3 weeks in Cerritos back in February so it was about time.  It was also probably a good idea to have him clean for the arrival of our newest family member.  He hated it as usual but it was much easier for me with an extra set of hands.  As a reward, he got a tasty treat that he carried home in his mouth and devoured when he got home.   Now he’s all clean and fuzzy for Kumquat.


7:03 am

Still nothing. In fact, I slept rather well last night. So far Ryan is still in the running with 4/20 as the arrival date. This baby is LAZY like her mom, dad, and dog.


8:02 am

I didn’t sleep much last night.  I was too busy timing contractions and waiting.  I think I need to go on a long walk today.  Maybe that will stir things up.  In the meantime, the house is clean, bags are packed, and it’s time to wait. I may call Labor and Delivery today to make sure I’m on the right track.

April 17, 2012

Here’s a photo of some of Kumquat’s clothes hanging in my closet.  They’re so small next to mine.

Due Date

4:12 pm

Just got back from both appointments.  There’s plenty of fluid for Kumquat to hang out in according to the ultrasound.  Her heart is still strong and she’s still kickin’.  Doctor says that I’m already 80% effaced and 4 cm dilated.  Does that mean she’s coming soon?!  Just in case nothing happens, I’m scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday, April 24th for induction.  Hopefully she’ll make an appearance before that.

7:14 am

It’s April 17th and nothing happened last night. Bummer.  I’m still here at home with a punchin’/kicking’ baby in my belly. Going to two appointments today starting at 1:15 to see what’s up. Will give you an update soon!