Browse Day: April 24, 2012

Days 2 and 3

Oh boy, a lot has happened these past few days.  I’ve been a little offline with the exception of hanging out on my phone while I’m feeding Janie.  Here’s a little recap of our last days in the hospital.

On Saturday afternoon, we got a visit from the Bangs.  We hadn’t seen them in a while and Rowan has gotten taller!

The evening was quiet with the exception of a certain little baby girl who was “storming”.  She had a hard time settling down between feedings and Jesse even spent an hour doing the “bouncing dance” to calm her down.  At one point, it was as if her cry was saying, “Dance, Monkey! Dance!!!”  We also had to resort to using a pacifier to help soothe her.  The nurses had warned us about this stage but it still worried me that we might have had a really temperamental baby on our hands.  Jes and I were up most of the night.  In fact, that photo above was taken at 2:30 am.  Luckily by 4 am, she FINALLY settled with a 2-hour nap between feedings.  From that point on, she was happier and took longer naps for the rest of the morning.  Luckily her storm lasted only for Night #2.  Phew.

Sunday was Discharge Day and there were lots of things to take care of before 1 pm.  Janie and I each had our discharge check-ups and paperwork.  Janie had lost some weight over the last 2 days, which was expected. They weren’t worried so I wasn’t worried.

With our new and improved baby who was napping more easily, we were also able to spend our last morning in the hospital together as a family and to take it all in.  I was even able to take a few portraits in the morning light.  Yay!

When it was time to pack up and leave, we put her in her “going home outfit” and placed her in the car seat.  Jes had to wake her in the middle of a nap to change her and she wasn’t very happy about it.  But look at how calm Jesse was!!  I think he likes being a daddy.

She also didn’t like getting strapped into the car seat but as soon as Jes picked up the seat and walked down to the car, she fell asleep.  That movement knocked her right out!  On the car ride home, she was comfy but looked a little too small for the car seat.  I’m gonna have to rig some head support for her.  I also saw the world a little differently too all of a sudden.  I also noticed Jes driving more grandpa-style too.  Having a baby really DOES change everything.

Once we got home, my mom was home and Jes’ parents had taken the bus to our house.  So they were all there to greet us.  It was nice but a little overwhelming at the same time…especially because we had to introduce her to Koa, which is a whole other story that I’ll get to later.