Browse Day: April 21, 2012

First 24 hours

Janie is now a day old and it’s been pretty surreal.  Yesterday was quite a day filled with pain, joy, and amazement.  At just a few hours of life outside of the womb, our baby girl was alert, looking around, and eating like a champ.  This video was taken when she was about 7 hours old.

She’s also quite the pooper and Jes is now the official diaper changer.

My mom was the first person (besides us of course) to meet Janie and she watched the entire birthing process.  She’s a brave woman…I’m not sure I would even be able to do that.

Jes’ parents also drove up as soon as we told them I was in labor and they were so excited to meet their granddaughter.

Victor and Susie came by later in the evening and Victor was brave enough to hold her.  Susie was also very sweet to send us flowers, which arrived while I was in labor.  Unfortunately, the card only had a phone number on it so we had no idea who it was from until they arrived.  Thanks for flowers, Susie!

Last night was interesting.  I had no concept of time and she kept me up every hour.  It didn’t actually bother me since I had already been trained over the past few months for that.  We did, however, get a good 2-hour chunk of sleep together, which was enough for me.

This morning, she had her hearing test and passed with flying colors.  Check out the cool headphones.

She was also in a particularly good mood and she got some play time with her dad.

Tia Patty and Auntie Teresa also came by to visit today.  They were here to see her turn a day old.  Yay!  Thanks for stopping by!