Browse Day: April 12, 2012

Kumquat Watch 2012

For the past couple of days, I’ve had some good company and good food.  My mom arrived on Tuesday afternoon and it’s been nice to have her here.  With less than a week left of my pregnancy, I’ve been getting in some tasty treats and lots of long walks through the city. With my mom with me, Jesse can also feel a little better about me waddling around the city all day.

On Tuesday, as soon as I picked her up from the airport, we went straight to 99 Ranch and we bought a bunch of groceries including some ingredients that we’d need for dinner this week.  We also ran a few more errands.  It’s so much easier running errands when you have someone sitting in passenger seat waiting while I run out to get whatever I need with the parked illegally and the car still running.  We picked up dry cleaning and then a bag of clothes that Ranee had left for me since Little Sophie had outgrown some of her stuff over the past 3 weeks here in SF.  Thanks, Ranee!  That evening, my mom whipped up an old childhood favorite of mine.  It’s call Kao Moo Dang and basically consists of eating rice with BBQ pork, hard-boiled egg, and cucumber with a savory red sauce and a sweet soy sauce.  It had been YEARS since I had it and I was so happy.

The next morning, we walked Koa together and then hopped on N-Judah and took it to UCSF for my weekly antenatal testing.

This time my mom came along and Jes went to work.  She got to see the ultrasound of Kumquat and the nurse said that she’s growing lots of hair on her head.  Yay!  Everything checked out fine and she still has plenty of fluid for Week 39.  Can you believe I only have a week left?!

After the appt., we took the light rail back to downtown and did some more shopping in Chinatown.  There was a certain ingredient, preserved cabbage, that we couldn’t find at 99 Ranch Market and I luckily found it in some random store on a bottom shelf.  Perfect!  It was just what we needed for dinner!

Then for a late breakfast/early lunch, we stopped at our favorite place for porridge and fried dough.  Aaahh…  With full stomachs, we took the bus home and I ended up taking a monster nap.  For dinner, my mom made a dry noodle dish called Bahmee Hang made with egg noodles, the leftover BBQ pork, cilantro, green veggies, and a bunch of other stuff that you add to it for flavor.  Boy, I’m spoiled.

This morning, I weighed myself and I had lost a pound!  Seriously?!  With all this eating, how is that possible?!  My mom and I took the bus to my weekly prenatal appointment and it was uneventful as usual and the doc says that she doesn’t think Kumquat will be a big baby.   Phew.  I hope she’s right.  She also said that my weight has also stabilized as she had expected.  That means labor is close!  Ah…so I wasn’t going crazy this morning.For breakfast, we walked down to Embarcadero and caught the F-line to Fisherman’s Wharf for my mom’s favorite mini donuts.  They were so scrumptious and perfect with coffee.

Then it was back on the F-line to the Ferry Building for some browsing of the Farmers’ Market and then another favorite – the porchetta sandwich from Roli Roti.

I opted for Kimchi Fried Rice from Namu instead and we both walked home full and happy.  Once again, about 30 minutes after getting home, I passed out and took another monster nap. To make the day even better, I woke up to the smell of peanut sauce cooking.

Oh man, Koa and I are going to be so spoiled this coming month.  I get good home-cooking and he gets timely walks and little pieces of bread and crackers that my mom snacks on during the day.  Now if only Kumquat would hurry up and make her appearance…then again, maybe I can wait another couple days.  🙂