Sunny Days
I’m so lucky to be on maternity leave in the Spring. We’ve had some pretty nice weather lately and the days are getting longer. Good to know that I’m getting plenty of Vitamin D!On my way home from the doctor’s office on Thursday, I walked to the Ferry Plaza for lunch and then decided it was sunny and warm enough to walk home.
So with some coconut and passionfruit sorbet in hand, I waddled my butt home along the waterfront. I think I walked a good 2 miles that afternoon and was exhausted by the time I reached the couch.
On Friday morning, I met up with Michelle and Reese for a little morning stroll. Reese is quite the walker now so it was fun to watch her roam freely on her own power.
Jes also had Friday off and we were SUPER LAZY the rest of the day. We went to Little Skillet for lunch (fried chicken, baby!) and then ended up napping for most of the afternoon. When we both got up, the dog was ready for his afternoon walk and there was plenty of daylight left.
Here’s a photo of me, Dog, and Kumquat at 38 weeks and 3 days. It was a triple-win that afternoon – Koa got a long walk, I got some sunshine, and Jes got to watch the boats in the harbor.
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