38 Weeks
Oh boy, I’ve got about 2 weeks to go. At this point, walking long distances is getting a little less comfortable and I’m stopping at the restroom about every hour.
Today’s ultrasound and non-stress test were pretty routine. Nothing new to really report except I had a really big Braxton-Hicks contraction in the middle of the 20-minute period. Last week, I had a peak of 90 and this week it went to 100. Check out that curve! It lasted for quite a while too. Baby still has lots of room to move around and the nurse said that she’s in the perfect position right now.
We also recently opened and assembled the Pack-n-Play. Here’s a view of it from the changing table. It has storage and a hamper built-in.
Here’s a view of it from the side. The baby will sleep in the top bunk until she gets big enough to sit up. Then the top bunk gets taken off and she sleeps on the bottom.
Finally, here’s my profile. Dang, I’m huge! But I’m happy to report that my wedding ring still fits and I don’t have cankles yet. I did have a scare on Saturday night when my right foot started to swell but it was back to normal by morning. Phew!
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