I’m a Bridesmaid!
My dear friend Teresa is getting married in June and I’m in her wedding! Yay! As her big day approaches, there’s been a lot going on. On Saturday, I met up with T, her mom, and the maid of honor for her gown fitting and got a preview of her wedding dress and veil. She looked so lovely and we were all very excited for her. I’m not going to give away her dress but here are her shoes. They’re going to get dyed deep purple like my dress.
Here is the dress I chose out of the 6 silk chiffon J. Crew options. I had to guess my dress size since trying them on with this big ol’ belly wasn’t going to work. Hopefully, I’ll be able to fit this thing after Kumquat arrives.
On Sunday, Jes and I went to Teresa and Aaron’s Wedding Shower that took place at Aaron’s dad’s church. Yep, she’s marrying a Pastor’s Kid (PK) just like I did. We attended Sunday service at 10 am, went for a little coffee break and walk around the neighborhood afterward, and then attended their wedding shower at 1 pm. We hung out with Teresa’s folks who are pretty cool and we met some of the others in the wedding party too.
The wedding will be in Santa Cruz and should be fun!! I also get to buy Kumquat a little purple dress too! Yippee!
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