Browse Month: April 2012


This weekend, we had some nice weather and Janie had turned one week old on Friday.  So, it was time to go for a little outing in the fresh air and sunshine.  On Friday night, Jes tried out the infant carrier.  It fits her well and he can now do the Monkey Dance hands-free!  It also allows him to enjoy a tasty beverage too.

On Saturday, we walked down to the Ferry Building/Farmer’s Market and grabbed a yummy porchetta sammich.  Janie hid under the blanket while Jes stuffed his face.  It was a little tricky making sure not to drip any of the porky goodness onto her head.

On Sunday, we used the stroller for the first time.  I took a walk around the ballpark with my mom and Koa while Jes went out for a quick run.  The cup holder came in handy for holding Jes’ water bottle.  We also discovered that Koa is very protective and attentive to the baby when we’re out in public.  He would check back at the stroller every few seconds and was extra defensive whenever another dog approached us.  It’s very sweet but he’s a bigger pain to walk with this set-up.

For dinner on Sunday, we also went out to eat at a restaurant with the baby for the first time.  We chose Public House since it would be spacious and relatively quiet inside.  The baby was asleep the whole time in the stroller and I got some tasty fish and chips.

It was nice to get outside this weekend after spending the first week indoors and the weather was perfect for our first outings.

Happy Birthday, Koa!!!

June 2004

My dear old doggie turned 8 years old (56 dog years!) today.  He’s slowed down a bit and he’s definitely calmer now but overall he’s the same puppy that we picked up from a little ranch in Arroyo Grande eight years ago.

This morning I was up early and so was he so we took a long walk and he got to run off-leash.  I haven’t been able to walk him as frequently as I used to with my ever-growing belly this past month and now with the baby to take care of so this was a treat for me too.

It was a gorgeous morning and it was nice a quiet.  I love walking him before 7 am.  It’s like we have the whole city to ourselves.

Happy 8th Birthday, Dog!  Love you!

Baby Girl

One week ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  She’s awesome.  Being a mom is awesome.

Life with a Baby

We’ve been home for 4 days now and things are definitely different around here.  I’ve taken the night shift, which hasn’t been that bad yet but I’m sure the sleep deprivation will catch up with me soon.  Kumquat had really trained me during the pregnancy with sleepless nights already so this routine hasn’t taken much extra energy to get used to.  I’ve been urged to take naps when she’s napping during the day but I’m simply not tired in the mornings or early afternoons.  It isn’t until evening time that I start to feel the fatigue.

My mom has been a big help with cooking, walking the dog, and keeping the house tidy.  Jes worked from home on Monday but went back to work on Tuesday.

When he’s home, he still jumps at the chance to change her diaper and hangs out with her in bed or at the computer while he’s taking work calls.  Looks like we’ve gotten a little routine down already. Check out the scowl on Janie’s face.  You can really see a resemblance to her dad.

So far, Janie’s been a really good baby.  She eats, poops, and sleeps like a champ.  She sleeps about 2 hours at a time, which gives me plenty of time to hang out with my mom, do some laundry, catch up on emails, and organize the hundreds of photos that I’ve already accumulated in less than a week.

The only outing we’ve taken so far is to the pediatrician on Monday.  We had to strip her naked to get a weight and height and she decided to pee all over the exam table.  Nice.  Turns out she had already gained back 4 ounces in the first 24 hours of being at home.  At the rate that she eats, she should be back to her birth weight in no time!

Here’s a video of Janie dreaming.  Jes says she’s like me in that she eats and smiles in her sleep.  The best time of day for us so far has been the morning.

Janie’s usually wide awake and alert and makes the funniest expressions.  We’ve been using FaceTime and Skype to keep family and friends updated and for them to see her live in motion.  Family in Thailand have even been able to “hang out” with her.  This is when I appreciate modern technology the most.

Ranee also recommended the iPhone app called “Baby Connect”, which has everything you need to record each feeding, diaper, nap, medical visit, and other things I haven’t needed yet.  It’s great because it helps me know when her last feeding or nap was and give me a diaper count each day so we can buy our diapers without going overboard.

The grandparents were also around on Monday and Tuesday.  My dad drove up with my aunt from Thailand along with Marie’s parents.  They were all very excited to meet her.  Jes’ parents had also been in town since Friday and stopped by once or twice a day with lots of food.  Jes’ mom insisted on cooking fish for me and also brought us some baos, tofu, and veggies.  I’m glad they were all able to spend some quality time with their granddaughter before driving back down on Tuesday.

My recovery, overall, has been going well.  I have some stitches that are supposed to dissolve in a week or two and the pain/discomfort is managed with Motrin.  I can feel my stomach shrinking each day but still feels really boggy and gross.  On Tuesday, Jes urged me to take a walk outside while the baby was sleeping and I managed to walk 2 miles.  I can’t wait to start running but the docs advised to hold off for a week or two.  It was nice to be outside again.  I don’t get to leave the house very often anymore.  Can’t wait for the day that I can take Janie out for walks with the stroller or carrier. Fortunately, nursing Janie around the clock helps shed the pounds. Janie is only 6 days old and I’ve lost 13 of the 27 pounds that I gained. Of course most of that is baby and fluid but hey, I’ll take it. I’ve got a bridesmaid dress to get into by June 9th!

Days 2 and 3

Oh boy, a lot has happened these past few days.  I’ve been a little offline with the exception of hanging out on my phone while I’m feeding Janie.  Here’s a little recap of our last days in the hospital.

On Saturday afternoon, we got a visit from the Bangs.  We hadn’t seen them in a while and Rowan has gotten taller!

The evening was quiet with the exception of a certain little baby girl who was “storming”.  She had a hard time settling down between feedings and Jesse even spent an hour doing the “bouncing dance” to calm her down.  At one point, it was as if her cry was saying, “Dance, Monkey! Dance!!!”  We also had to resort to using a pacifier to help soothe her.  The nurses had warned us about this stage but it still worried me that we might have had a really temperamental baby on our hands.  Jes and I were up most of the night.  In fact, that photo above was taken at 2:30 am.  Luckily by 4 am, she FINALLY settled with a 2-hour nap between feedings.  From that point on, she was happier and took longer naps for the rest of the morning.  Luckily her storm lasted only for Night #2.  Phew.

Sunday was Discharge Day and there were lots of things to take care of before 1 pm.  Janie and I each had our discharge check-ups and paperwork.  Janie had lost some weight over the last 2 days, which was expected. They weren’t worried so I wasn’t worried.

With our new and improved baby who was napping more easily, we were also able to spend our last morning in the hospital together as a family and to take it all in.  I was even able to take a few portraits in the morning light.  Yay!

When it was time to pack up and leave, we put her in her “going home outfit” and placed her in the car seat.  Jes had to wake her in the middle of a nap to change her and she wasn’t very happy about it.  But look at how calm Jesse was!!  I think he likes being a daddy.

She also didn’t like getting strapped into the car seat but as soon as Jes picked up the seat and walked down to the car, she fell asleep.  That movement knocked her right out!  On the car ride home, she was comfy but looked a little too small for the car seat.  I’m gonna have to rig some head support for her.  I also saw the world a little differently too all of a sudden.  I also noticed Jes driving more grandpa-style too.  Having a baby really DOES change everything.

Once we got home, my mom was home and Jes’ parents had taken the bus to our house.  So they were all there to greet us.  It was nice but a little overwhelming at the same time…especially because we had to introduce her to Koa, which is a whole other story that I’ll get to later.

First 24 hours

Janie is now a day old and it’s been pretty surreal.  Yesterday was quite a day filled with pain, joy, and amazement.  At just a few hours of life outside of the womb, our baby girl was alert, looking around, and eating like a champ.  This video was taken when she was about 7 hours old.

She’s also quite the pooper and Jes is now the official diaper changer.

My mom was the first person (besides us of course) to meet Janie and she watched the entire birthing process.  She’s a brave woman…I’m not sure I would even be able to do that.

Jes’ parents also drove up as soon as we told them I was in labor and they were so excited to meet their granddaughter.

Victor and Susie came by later in the evening and Victor was brave enough to hold her.  Susie was also very sweet to send us flowers, which arrived while I was in labor.  Unfortunately, the card only had a phone number on it so we had no idea who it was from until they arrived.  Thanks for flowers, Susie!

Last night was interesting.  I had no concept of time and she kept me up every hour.  It didn’t actually bother me since I had already been trained over the past few months for that.  We did, however, get a good 2-hour chunk of sleep together, which was enough for me.

This morning, she had her hearing test and passed with flying colors.  Check out the cool headphones.

She was also in a particularly good mood and she got some play time with her dad.

Tia Patty and Auntie Teresa also came by to visit today.  They were here to see her turn a day old.  Yay!  Thanks for stopping by!