Yikes. The time has come. I’m at 36 weeks and if Kumquat arrives today, she’d be in pretty good shape. I can’t believe I’ve got less than a month left! I suppose I should start preparing. Some start way in advance but I’m JUST getting the sense of urgency to get ready. Just the other day, Patti texted me to remind me that her first girl arrived at 36 weeks and 5 days. If that were to happen, that would occur this Friday! Wow! On top of that, my cousin’s baby girl arrived today 2 weeks early!
Last week at work was rough. With Kumquat hanging out so low, I swear she uses my bladder as a pillow and I make a stop at the bathroom almost every hour. Getting up off the floor while carrying a 2-year-old is also becoming a greater challenge. In fact, by Friday around lunch time, I was looking and feeling a little ragged. I was sweating for no reason, I felt a bit light-headed while waiting in line at the cafeteria, and I had to work harder to breathe. The great thing about working in a hospital is that everyone seems to know what to do when stuff like this happens. Our nurse practitioner checked my temp (normal) and blood pressure (normal but higher than my usual 100/60) and made me lie down in one of the clinic rooms for the rest of lunch. Then, I was pretty much nudged out the door to go home for the day. I stayed another 2 hours to finish up on paperwork but it was a relief that I wouldn’t have to see anymore patients that afternoon. I may need to rethink the start of my maternity leave. Not sure I can hang until March 27th.
I’m going to have some routine 36-week testing done this Wednesday and then seeing my doctor on Thursday so I should have a better idea of what’s to come. Thankfully I’m still feeling fine…just maybe a little less mobile.
On that note, this weekend has been a little less comfortable doing my usual activities:
- Washing dishes bothers my back now because I have to stand so far away from the spout and reach in such an awkward position. Thank goodness for a husband and dishwasher.
- Doing the laundry is getting harder too…especially when I have to move the stuff from the washer to the dryer. We have a stacked washer/dryer so there’s a lot of bending down and getting up.
- Just getting up off the couch and getting out of a car are also becoming quite a comical act. I think it was a blessing that I don’t have an office job because any time I’ve been sitting for longer than 15-20 minutes, getting back up is kinda painful and wobbly. At night before I go to bed, Jes has to actually help me up off the couch sometimes.
So here’s the plan so far:
- Jes won’t be sailing on the weekends anymore starting this week. If I were to go into labor while he’s on a boat in the middle of the bay, it would be kinda hard for me to get a hold of him AND for him to get me to the hospital .
- If something happens at work, I have plenty of people to drive me home or even to the hospital but let’s just hope that it doesn’t come down to that.
- I packed our hospital bag and it’s going to hang out in the trunk of the car until it’s time.

- I’m guessing it might be time to install the car seat too so that’s what Jes did today.

- I also have to pack some of Kumquat’s things for her arrival and trip home, which means I need to wash all her clothes. I went through some of the stuff I received and it’s crazy how small newborn clothes are! And they’re just SO CUTE too.
All this nesting is getting kinda fun. I’ve avoided it for quite a while but I think it’s safe to say that now is probably a good time to start.
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