Browse Day: February 27, 2012

Books for Kumquat

Yesterday, my co-workers threw me a shower in Walnut Creek.  Look at the cute diaper cakes they made!

We usually throw a pretty kickin’ potluck and this was no different.

They made a lot of my favorite dishes and we also had a chocolate fountain!  Yum.

I asked for no games so they had an activity instead.  Everyone decorated onesies for me.  This is the one that Teresa made for me.  She said that Kumquat will be Team Tiger Member #3.  🙂

Everyone gave some words of wisdom on the leftover cards that I had from our shower in Southern CA and they also gave me a scrapbook kit to keep and display them.

I received a bunch of gifts, including a really nice collection of books.  Everyone brought their favorite baby book and now Kumquat has a whole library to entertain and enrich her little brain.  Some of my favorites include: “Everyone Poops” and “Click Clack Moo”.  They also got Jes a copy of “Go the F* to Sleep”.

It was so nice to see everyone there all dressed in regular street clothes and it was certainly a girly gathering.

Elaine, my good friend from my PTN days, also came all the way up from San Jose to join us.  That was such a treat!

I was sent home with a trunk filled with gifts and diapers along with an entire fruit tart and a beautiful bouquet of tulips and daisies.

I had a wonderful time and this is one of those occasions that remind me how much my work buddies love me.  Thank you, Kumquat Committee!!!

Here are the rest of the photos from the shower.