32 weeks
We had a pretty eventful afternoon today. At 2pm, I had my 32-week ultrasound to check her growth. The technician checked all the pockets of amniotic fluid around Kumquat and I’ve got enough so far. The head, stomach, humerus, femur, heart, kidneys, and abdomen were all measured and then calculated to give us an estimated weight and size.
Here are the stats:
Estimated weight: 4 lbs., 7 oz.
Size: 57th percentile (normal)
Position: Head Down (yay!)
Gender: Still a girl!!
As we were looking for a shot of her face, we got to witness Kumquat sucking in amniotic fluid and swallowing. She had her hands to her face again, which made it a little tough to get a good print out image. The tech was nice (and patient) enough to try again and again until we got a decent shot. Can you see her chubby right cheek, nose, upper lip, right arm, and hands? If not, here’s your answer key.
Afterward, we had our usual Panda Express meal.
I hadn’t eaten much all day so I went all-in with a 2-item combo. Yum. With another 2 hours to kill, we went to the nearby Stonestown Mall to take a walk.
At 5:30pm, we had a tour of UCSF Labor and Delivery. I had to take some notes for Jes just in case he forgets on the big day. The Center for Mothers and Newborns is on the 15th floor of the main hospital and we got to see one of the labor and delivery rooms.
It had a gorgeous view of the sun setting and you can see from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Bay Bridge. This was the only photo I got on our tour, which doesn’t do it any justice. There’s a pull-out couch for Jes to nap on and a really big flatscreen tv. We also got to see the nursery and peeked into one of the postpartum rooms. All looked pretty standard and the nurses seemed nice. Only 8 more weeks to go!
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