Browse Month: January 2012

Dinner and Play Time

Last night we were invited over to Ryan and Michelle’s for dinner.  The ribs and sides were tasty and it was nice to catch up.  The kids are growing up so quickly.  Reese is cruising and likes to wear jewelry.

Jack is crazy as ever and he plays a mean game of Trouble.  It’s funny how he cheats in whatever game he’s playing to give himself an advantage.  For example, in Trouble, he popped the bubble, got a “1”, and then quickly popped it again so he could get a “6”.  Pretty funny.

He also likes to show off his fancy dance moves and toys.  He has A LOT of Cars toys and lined them all up on Jes’ belly.

Field Trip

On Saturday, Jes and I went on our first baby shopping field trip to Babies R Us and Target.  Our mission was to look at Pack n Plays since it would be the only thing that we’d have for Kumquat to sleep in for the first year or so.  I had looked online but it’s hard to tell how sturdy stuff really is until you actually touch it and shake it around a bit.  🙂  So, we went to the store and got to park in the Stork Parking spaces.  Pretty funny.

We picked a model that has an attached changing station and lots of pockets and a hamper on the side for easy access.  Kumquat can sleep on the upper level until she’s old enough to sit up and potentially climb out.  Then we’ll remove the top layer and she’ll have the actual bottom part to sleep in.  It’s a pretty cool to know that we don’t have to buy a crib for our little fishbowl of a house.  Still not sure if it will fit comfortably in the bedroom but we’ll figure something out.

We also looked at car seats and strollers.  There are so many brands and styles that it was pretty annoying.  Jes attempted to unlatch one of the carriers from the base and it took a little figuring out without resorting to just throwing it on the ground to see if it’ll come apart.  After that experience, we put shopping for one of those for another day in hopes of possibly acquiring a hand-me-down from a certain someone in Las Vegas.  We shall see if it works out.

Happy Hour

Our old friend Dr. Mai came to town for the weekend so we went out on Friday after work for a little Happy Hour. Once again, I was the sober one but it’s nice to know that my friends are entertaining enough to not really need a drink or two to enjoy the evening. We went to Cato’s, an old hangout of mine in grad school. Good times…  And hey, check out that creepy baby lurking in the corner window.


It’s January, I’m in Week 26, and I’ve got less than 100 days left before Kumquat arrives. All of a sudden I feel like there are things that I should be doing or should have done already. Meanwhile, I’m stuck because I’m feeling a bit clueless. Should I be signing up for classes? What if I wait too long and they’re all filled up?

It’s also time to build our gift registry but I really don’t know what we REALLY need on top of some generous hand-me-downs and gifts we’ve already received. How many newborn diapers do I need before they grow out of them? Will I need THAT many onesies and burp cloths as they say on some of the websites I’ve been reading? And where am I going to put it all?! I barely have room for the baby! *sigh*

Perhaps it’s time to visit my local Babies R Us for a little tutorial on the difference between a receiving blanket and a wearable blanket. Perhaps we don’t need anything at all and should just put the kid in a laundry basket and change her on a towel on top of the dresser. Hm. Any advice from those of you who’ve already gone through this would be helpful. I got an awesome Excel spreadsheet from Vyl the other day but that alone made me a little dizzy. Shouldn’t the “nesting” be the fun part?

20120111-234708.jpgBy the way, I had my second Glucose Screening today and the orange flavored sugar water was just as bad as the fruit punch. However, this time I chilled it first and it made it a bit easier to chug this morning.

Week 25

I’m in Week 25 now (5 1/2 months) and Kumquat is growing and kicking daily.  I gotta say that the kicking and jabbing has been the best part of pregnancy so far.  It’s comforting to know that she’s alive and well inside while I’m hanging out on the couch.  She likes to practice her kung-fu moves everyday while I’m writing my notes at work and after dinner.  I had my 5th prenatal visit today and her HR is still a strong 150 bpm.  So far so good!

Tahoe Weekend

We’ve been back from Tahoe since Sunday evening but I thought I’d post some photos from our trip.  First of all, we stayed at Dot and Marc’s cabin dubbed Mauna Lani and it has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a huge deck overlooking a tree house!  We had 9 people and 3 dogs in the house and there were plenty of beds and hanging-out space for all of us.  Koa got to hang out with Smush and Brady (who he met for the first time) and they got to chow down on lots of treats and meat.  At one point, all three of them were separated to different corners of the house and Koa actually got to eat barbequed meat off of a fancy Paris plate.

On NYE, we took a little hike up to get a nice view of the lake.  With a clear blue sky, the water looked like blue glass.  I got a pretty good workout and my hamstrings were actually sore by the end of the day.

I loved watching Koa run up the trails and he was surprisingly well-behaved. I think that if we lived in Tahoe, Dog would be so much happier.  *sigh*

For lunch/dinner, we barbequed on the deck and Jes made 3 meals: pre-dinner (sausages), dinner (carne asada tacos), and after-dinner (chili lime wings).  We were so stuffed that we didn’t need anything else before the drinking started.

The girls started pretty early in the evening and were pretty much at their peak around midnight EST.  At one point, they were doing pyramid push-ups and Marc did the worm.  They even crashed the party in the house next door.  It was fun watching the action in my pjs and I stayed in to watch Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve while they were away.  They did, however, get back in time for the countdown and I got a tiny sip of champagne.

It was heavenly. 🙂

The next day, we had a big pancake breakfast and the dogs spent the morning napping in the sun.  Our drive home was pretty smooth and we were home by 5pm.

Here’s the rest of the photos from our weekend in Tahoe.