Browse Day: November 25, 2011

Pink or Blue?!

I’ll be reaching the half-way point this Sunday at 20 weeks. Phew!  That was quick!  This Monday afternoon is when I’m having my anatomy ultrasound to check out all the body parts and organs. We’ll also get to find out if Kumquat is a boy or a girl. Well, that is if he/she cooperates.

Which do I prefer? Surprisingly, I don’t have a preference anymore. All my life I thought I wanted a boy but this pregnancy has really changed my mind and the possibility of having a girl has been just as appealing to me for the first time.  Hmm…is that a sign?

Wondering what you’re all rootin’ for so post your guess in the comments section!  I should have an answer for you by Monday night!!

Gobble Gobble!

Ah…Turkey Day…actually Turkey Weekend is my favorite time of year.  This year’s dinner was delicious as usual.  Here’s a photo of our turkey-lurkey.  It’s golden brown and delicious.

When it was time to carve the bird, Smush and Koa rushed the kitchen to make sure they could catch whatever dropped.  Koa learned quickly from his first Thanksgiving when he happened to be under the turkey and ended up with tasty drippings all over this head/nose.

Here’s the full spread.  We had turkey, stuffing, creamed corn, cranberry sauce, crescent rolls, sweet potato, mashed potato, and GRAVY.  Yum.

I went to work this morning and actually had a good time.  Teresa was my partner for the day and it was just like old times.  We brought the kids downstairs to make a huge breakfast complete with eggs, sausage, waffles, pancakes, hashbrowns, and freshly-squeezed orange juice.  Afterward, we had a three-person dance party down the hallways with our patient, and then finished the day tackling an agitated patient back into his wheelchair.  On top of that, I finished all my treatments by noon and was home by 1:30 after it was all said and done.  On my way home, I met up with Jes and Koa at the Ferry Building to buy some bread from Acme for our turkey sammiches.

Here are photos from this week’s Gobble Gobble festivities.