Browse Day: April 19, 2011

Late Q1 Visit

One of our New Year’s Resolutions is to visit the parents once per quarter.  We were a little late but April is better than not at all.  The first thing I noticed when we arrived in Cerritos was the warmth.  I was outside with shorts, a t-shirt, and no hoodie.  Aaaahhh…we lucked out on being home during a sunny 83-degree weekend.  Even the dog enjoyed it.  I took him out to the backyard and we lounged out in the sun.

On Saturday, we had lunch with Jes’ parents.  We met up at a Chinese restaurant in Garden Grove and had a tasty tasty Chinese beef burrito that was fried.  Mmm…

On Sunday, I took Jes back to Mitsuwa for his favorite bowl of ramen.  He was afraid that it had been so long that the hype in his head was just that, hype.  But it wasn’t!  It’s still ranked #1.

After lunch we stopped at the Irvine house to check on it.  It was really weird driving through the neighborhood and stepping into our little birdhouse again 4 years later.  I was so happy to see my Japanese maple tree alive and HUGE!  We cleaned up the pond and the neighbors came by to hang out like old times.  Hopefully we’ll have renters soon.

On Sunday afternoon, we met up with the family for a big Thai feast.  It was so nice to hang out with the cousins and their kids again.  Makes me miss being away from them even more after I leave.

On Monday morning I had to get up really early to get to the BMW dealership to get our brakes checked.  We got a big red warning light on the way down and it seemed pretty serious.  It’s a good thing we got it checked out because we had to replace the brake pads AND rotors.  Ouch.  I guess it was a good thing we took Monday off.

The drive up and down I-5 was long and boring but totally worth it.  2nd Quarter ends in June and we’re due for another visit.  Hm…when can we drive down again?  I’ll keep you posted.

Here are photos from the weekend (and the Janet concert).