Browse Day: August 12, 2010

New Toy Alert!!

My point-and-shoot is dying (mostly from overuse and my clumsiness) so I went shopping online for a replacement a few weeks ago.  I also had some money saved up from my photo gigs so I thought I’d treat myself to a new toy.  After looking at Leica, Canon, Panasonic, and all the other brands out there, I decided to get the new-ish Canon S90.  Why?  Well, here are a few reasons:

  1. I’ve owned countless Canon compact cameras (film and digital) and they’ve always given me good results.  In fact, half of the stock photos that I’m still selling (and making money on) were taken with a Canon compact digi.
  2. It has a nifty ring in the front that can help adjust zoom, aperture, ISO, or whatever else you want to assign to it.
  3. It shoots in RAW format!  Nice.
  4. It has manual mode, which allows me to control the aperture and shutter speed.
  5. It still has the convenience of a small camera with all the automatic modes that I’m used to having.

So, I went on Amazon two nights ago, used my free Amazon Prime membership (thanks to DiDi!), and it arrived at my door this evening!  Yippee!!  I just charged the battery and it’s ready to go.  Can’t wait to start snappin’!!!  It’s supposed to be able to take decent photos in dimly lit places so I’ll have to test it out next time we go out to eat.