Browse Month: April 2010

So unloved…

Got an email from a friend who is currently in the midst of transforming from a humble street cart to a full-on SF hipster cult.  I got a taste of their corned beef sammich a couple months ago and snapped a few photos for them.  In her email, she asked if she could send my photos to a person who was interested in writing an article about them in jweekly and I was excited for them and for my photos.  THEN!  I got a second email from her saying that coincidentally there was a blog posting (totally unrelated to the aforementioned article) on SFoodie featuring an event going on tonight featuring MY PHOTO on the header!!!  I guess the writer grabbed it from Pearl’s Kitchen’s Facebook profile and didn’t ask for permission to use the photo from my friend nor did they ask for the photo credit.  Bummer.

Halfway There

This morning I completed my 6-mile Long Run.  It was sunny and breezy, which made for a pretty pleasant run. Take a look at the wildflowers along the Marina!

I ran from the Willie Mays statue at King and 3rd all the way down to Crissy Field, which is just half a mile from the Golden Gate Bridge.  Here’s a photo of me at the end of my run.

With 14 weeks left of training, I should be on track, if not ahead of schedule for the SF Half Marathon.  I just gotta cross my fingers that I don’t injury myself until then.

Spicy Fried Goodness

After a quick stop at Costco, we had dinner at a newish place called SO.  It’s Korean but not.  They have some really tasty fried chicken wings that are sticky, crunchy, sweet, and spicy.  Yum.  We also had noodles cooked with a spicy shredded pork sauce.

Our last dish was curry potato croquette that was also super tasty.  The best part of it all was that it was a pretty cheap meal and I was happy.

Fun Pot Sticker Friday

Every Tuesday morning at work, the Rehab Team gets together to plan a Fun Friday activity.  Some days we take the kids to the park and on other days we stay in and play games.  We have a great group of kids right now and they’re mobile and healthy enough to do some really cool things.  This Friday, we made pot stickers and the kids had great time.  I prepared the ingredients the night before and left the carrots, chives, and cilantro for them to shred and cut.

They had a choice of meat, cabbage, water chestnut, mushrooms, chives, and many others.  Each child made their own stuffing for their individual pot stickers and then wrapped it all up with the wonton skin that I bought.  Once they finished a batch, I fried up their creations and they got to roll back to their rooms with a tasty treat.  So fun!

There’s something really cool about seeing kids participate in cooking activities.  They always seem to get excited about doing the “grown up” things like cutting, shredding, and stirring.  This is truly occupational therapy in action.  Play is every kid’s occupation but so is brushing your teeth and meal preparation.  The kids are doing something functional, building hand strength and social skills, and it’s therapeutic both physically and cognitively.  This is one of those time when I can say that I love my job.

Tuesday Dinner at the Ballpark

On a whim, we decided to go to a Giants game for our usual Tuesday dinner and invited the girls from work since they were playing the Pirates. Steph and her husband are from Pittsburgh and jumped at the chance of watching their home team with garlic fries. I drove the girls to my house, stopped at Safeway for snacks and beers, and we had a mini happy hour at home before the 7:15 game.

Patty showed us how to properly prepare Coronitas complete with fresh lime juice, salt, and a few drops of Tapatio and we shared a couple bags of potato chips. When the boys arrived, we walked across the street to the game and settled into our $12 bleacher seats.  Jes also managed to sneak in 2 ice cold cans of Coors light in his pants.

It was a breezy but really pretty night at the ballpark.  The Giants fans were crazy as usual and the Pirates won.  We also had a fun time cheering for players we didn’t know and singing along to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” at the 7th inning stretch.  My dinner consisted of a Giants dog, nachos with lots of jalapenos, and a Coors Light.  Mmmmm.  It turned out to be one of the cheapest Tuesday dinners we’ve had in a while and we all had a fun time.

Home Improvements

We got a good deal on 2 additional storage units in our building and got the keys this weekend.  So we spent a good part of the weekend putting stuff away, cleaning the house, fixing things, and rearranging furniture.

Jesse really got into it and even moved the stove out of its nook to level out the burners.  We always had an issue with oil rolling over to one side of the pan but not anymore!  Jes looked like a puppet behind the stove.

We also had a little drip under the sink for the past 2 years and finally found the source!  Of course this involved taking everything out from under the sink and taking apart the drain.  Luckily all went well without any major messes.

Today we moved both of our bikes, the trainer, and bike pump down to one of our storage units.  After a trip to Home Depot, Jes built a rack for them and voila!  The bikes stand upright inside their tiny little kennel!  Now with the bikes off the livingroom wall, we moved bookshelves, cabinets, and tables around.  In the process, we got to wipe everything down, vacuum and scrub the floors, and ended up with some extra space to use in the house. Hooray!  I’m glad we made the most of our rainy Sunday. By the way, it started raining this morning and hasn’t stopped all day. In fact, it’s coming down even harder now at 11 pm!