Browse Day: April 29, 2010

Team Building Pho

April is OT Month and every year we usually have a team building activity in the afternoon and go out for dinner as a group to celebrate our achievements of the past year.  This year we did something a little different…we took a cooking class!  It was held by a non-profit that partners with a restaurant who offers up their space and time for a mere $25 and donates the proceeds to charity.

We learned how to make spring rolls, mixed up our own sauces, and had some pho.  The activity was a little less hands-on than I was hoping for and the food was dumbed down a bit but it was still fun tasting everyone’s concoctions.  We also got complimentary wine so that also made it more interesting.

Here’s the pho that I prepared.  All I had to do was scoop the broth that was pre-made and plop in a bunch of noodles, meat, and veggies.  Phew, that was hard!

Oh noooooo!

I came home this evening and found this massacre in my livingroom.  I guess there won’t be any more honking in the house tonight.  Poor Moo.  He’s scheduled for reconstructive surgery on Saturday morning.  I’d better go to the store to buy some more dental floss.