Browse Day: April 1, 2010

Orange is back.

Today was the first home exhibition game for the Giants and so the season has officially begun for the neighborhood.  This morning as I walked the dog, I noticed the lights on the stadium were on and the flag was flying high.  That’s how I know there’s a game today and I debated over and over in my head this morning about whether to drive to work today or not.  I think I lose either way.  Do I drive in traffic over the bridge or fight the crowds on Muni on my way home?  Hm…

The sunrise was spectacular this morning.  It’s one of the only good things about walking a dog before the sun wakes up.  As you can see in the first photo that it’s not even 7 am yet!  *sigh*  At least I got this shot of the sunrise over the water and below the clouds.  By the way, I must give props to my iPhone for helping me capture some pretty cool moments this past year.  This photo was uploaded straight from my phone.  Not bad, right?!

So, baseball season has arrived once again and there was a buzz of excitement this afternoon as Dog and I took our usual stroll around the stadium.  My favorite Muni dude, who does crowd control and helps us cross the street, was even there to greet us this afternoon.  He calls Koa “Rin Tin Tin” and remembers Mommy from one of the weeks that she was staying at our place while we were away.  He usually yells (as we cross the street) “Hey! How’s my Rin Tin Tin?!” and I’ll usually respond with “Hi, Muni Guy!”.  Sometimes he even has time to ask me “How’s your mom?!  She looks just like you!”  Funny.  I guess it’s nice to know that there’s someone out there that has your back among the Orange People (Giants fans).