Browse Day: December 29, 2009

Christmas Vacation: Part 1

Monday, December 21, 2009

We packed up the car on Monday morning and headed down Interstate 5 for a week at home.  It was smooth sailing all the way down until we hit LA traffic starting at Dodgers Stadium.  The last 30 miles home was a very painful 1.5 hours long.  Yikes.  Once we arrived in Cerritos, we had an awesome Kao Mun Gai dinner that my mom prepared along with a chicken soup with tofu made especially for Jesse and his cold.  After dinner, Jes passed out early and I took a solo trip to Target.  It was GREAT.  You can always rely on suburbia to give you wide streets, two convenient locations to you favorite store, and ample parking.  I finished up my Christmas shopping there and picked up a bunch of gift bags and wrapping paper.  It’s a good thing I left this errand for that evening.  It would have taken me about 2 hours to do the same in SF.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On Tuesday morning, Jes and I took care of some personal business: a haircut for Jes at Supercuts and eyebrow threading for me.  Why is everything so cheap in Cerritos/Artesia?!  I got my brows done for 3 bucks!

For lunch we drove up to Santa Monica to meet up with Brother and his wacky co-workers.  We dined at Fraiche and it was pretty tasty.

The only disturbing part was the “pork belly salad” that Jes ordered.  It was literally two slabs of fat bacon over a tiny bed of frisee salad.  Ridiculous.  I also took an impromptu video of the table and it got turned into the WORK Christmas e-card.  Pretty funny stuff.

It was fun to drive around our old ‘hood and we even took the long way back to the freeway by driving down Wilshire Blvd.  Sometimes I really miss West LA.  Later that evening, we had a Chimmy Family dinner of spicy spicy Thai food.  Jes was very pleased while the rest of us couldn’t slurp down our Thai Iced Tea fast enough.