Browse Day: December 5, 2009

Only 20 Days ’til Christmas!

Koa Reindeer

Can you tell that Koa’s super excited for Christmas?!  Haha.  Jes found the antlers today while he was digging around in some boxes.

Little Tree!

This afternoon we went to the tree lot and picked out this cute little tree that will live in our home for the holiday season.

Tree in the Car

It was even small enough to fit in the backseat of the car!

Christmas Tree

The tree might be small but it was perfect for the corner table.  With some lights and ornaments, it became the perfect Christmas tree for 2009.  Yippee!!

To top off the weekend, I might just bust out the flour and do some baking.  Michelle’s annual pie party is next weekend and I need to work on my pie crust.

Happy Friday

Alicia's Last Day

On Friday, it was my intern’s last day and the past 12 weeks with her have been fun.  We had some tough kids and she did a great job with them.  She’s moving back to New Jersey on Monday so she wasn’t available to go out that evening.


But of course, the Rehab girls and I went out anyway.  We took the super duper carpool lane on the bridge that afternoon and had a well-deserved Happy Hour in the city.  What fun!