Browse Month: December 2009

Christmas Vacation: Part 4

On Christmas morning, we woke up to find that Jes’ mom had brought home breakfast. It was an assortment of dim sum items that really hit the spot. After a few hours of being lazy and plotting out my course, I went for a run to Knott’s Berry Farm in hopes of buying some boysenberry jam and cookies for my co-workers. Unfortunately, Knott’s was CLOSED! Disneyland doesn’t close on Christmas…  Well luckily they have a “resort hotel” next door that had a gift shop selling the stuff I was looking for…sorta.  I didn’t find boysenberry jam but got the cute mini jars I was looking for.

After getting picked up and stopping for coffee at Starbucks, Jes started on dinner and I went to Cerritos to hangout with the dog and walk him while the parents went to Pala for their super buffet lunch.  This is Koa with his new friend, Mr. Lobster.  My mommy gave it to him.

Dinner was with Jes’ family and the roast was tasty as usual.  Jes and Jason received another set of matching outfits…cute sweaters, guys!  I got a nice coat and the cousins liked their gifts.  It was another merry Christmas.

Christmas Vacation: Part 3

Photo courtesy of Brother

Thursday, December 24, 2009

On Christmas Eve morning, Brother came over and we headed down to Fountain Valley for my photo assignment.  Debbie’s good friend from high school found me as a link from her blog and asked me to take family portraits for them.  Brother came along to be my second shooter and it turned out to be a fun hour.

We originally were supposed to go to Mile Square Park but ended up staying at their house and taking all the photos in the backyard.  They have a really nice backyard with a great shady spot.  Coupled with the morning light (around 9:45 am), the photos turned out pretty well.  They have a beautiful family and it was great working with all of them.  Thanks for the referral, Debbie!

Later in the day, Jes and I went packed up our belongings and headed to the Buena Park house.  Jes and his brother hung out while I wrapped Christmas presents.  In the evening, I drove down to the Suminos’ house to deliver gifts and hang out before dinner.  The boys have grown so much and Cole is a walking, talking human now.  Crazy.  Brandon is such a fun little guy too.  He’s small but really scrappy.  Love it!

The boys tore open their gift and were so happy to see four Bakugan toys inside.  They showed me how they work and I was genuinely impressed.  I miss having them around.

Christmas Vacation: Part 2

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On Wednesday, Mommy made Kanom Krok for breakfast and it was sooooo yummy.  Again, I LOVE the Magical House.  Later in the afternoon, it was time to take care of some business.  First stop was Wahoo’s the Irvine Spectrum.  I had been craving a fish taco and their famous rice for some time now and it was still as tasty as I had remembered.

Next stop was the vet.  Koa hadn’t seen a vet since we moved to SF and he was overdue for his vaccinations.  He was pretty good at first but as soon as we got into the examination room, his hind legs started to shake and he couldn’t stop panting.  Check out the huge tongue!  Once the vet came in and tried to examine him, I smelled something super foul.  He had expressed his anal glands all over the floor and it’s one of the grossest smells ever.  The vet had to take him in the back to get him cleaned up and apparently did it again!  Well, the vaccinations were done and he also weighed in at 29 pounds…what a fatty.

Afterward, we headed out to Pish’s office for a dental cleaning.  I was in fear of having 3 cavities but I had X-rays done and was cavity-free!!!  Whut!?  Unbelievable.

Joy and Mommy also arrived a little later and it was Family Fun Day the Dentist once again.

For dinner, we went out for Korean BBQ at ShikDoRak with Hols, Dayantha, and Huy.  We ordered a Combo Meal for 4 (there were 5 of us) and it still felt like a night of never-ending beef.  I was super full afterward but it was sooooo good.

Christmas Vacation: Part 1

Monday, December 21, 2009

We packed up the car on Monday morning and headed down Interstate 5 for a week at home.  It was smooth sailing all the way down until we hit LA traffic starting at Dodgers Stadium.  The last 30 miles home was a very painful 1.5 hours long.  Yikes.  Once we arrived in Cerritos, we had an awesome Kao Mun Gai dinner that my mom prepared along with a chicken soup with tofu made especially for Jesse and his cold.  After dinner, Jes passed out early and I took a solo trip to Target.  It was GREAT.  You can always rely on suburbia to give you wide streets, two convenient locations to you favorite store, and ample parking.  I finished up my Christmas shopping there and picked up a bunch of gift bags and wrapping paper.  It’s a good thing I left this errand for that evening.  It would have taken me about 2 hours to do the same in SF.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On Tuesday morning, Jes and I took care of some personal business: a haircut for Jes at Supercuts and eyebrow threading for me.  Why is everything so cheap in Cerritos/Artesia?!  I got my brows done for 3 bucks!

For lunch we drove up to Santa Monica to meet up with Brother and his wacky co-workers.  We dined at Fraiche and it was pretty tasty.

The only disturbing part was the “pork belly salad” that Jes ordered.  It was literally two slabs of fat bacon over a tiny bed of frisee salad.  Ridiculous.  I also took an impromptu video of the table and it got turned into the WORK Christmas e-card.  Pretty funny stuff.

It was fun to drive around our old ‘hood and we even took the long way back to the freeway by driving down Wilshire Blvd.  Sometimes I really miss West LA.  Later that evening, we had a Chimmy Family dinner of spicy spicy Thai food.  Jes was very pleased while the rest of us couldn’t slurp down our Thai Iced Tea fast enough.

Too tired…too overwhelmed…

Now that Christmas has passed and we’re back in SF from a week-long vacation in Southern CA, my body is tired, my mind is clear, and my heart is full.  I’d start posting photos from the week’s activities but I’m a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of photos I took.  It’s like getting back from our trip to Italy again!!  So much happened and I don’t know where to begin.  I’ll start tomorrow after I have a good night’s sleep.  It’s too bad that I have to return to work tomorrow for a full week (yes, even New Year’s Eve and Day).  It was great seeing all of you!!!

All-in-one Running Around

One of the best things about being on vacation is that I have time in the middle of the day to run.  It also allows me to explore places on foot.  This morning the dog came with me to Regional Park and we ran around the park once and down Shoemaker.  I love Cerritos.  It’s so clean, quiet, safe, and has lots of paths to take on foot.

Yesterday, I ran around the Cerritos Towne Center.  I have so many other places to explore!

I’ve also been using the iMapMyRun application on my iPhone. I used to run with a GPS device on my wrist, an iPod on my arm, and a phone in my pocket for emergencies. Now I have it all in one device!! I just turn on the application, stick it in my pocket, and go. It tracks my route and then immediately sends the workout to my account. It also doubles as my phone for emergencies and I can listen to music from it too. I loved my Blackberry but it wasn’t nearly as useful as my iPhone. I am a true fan now.

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