Browse Month: October 2009

Beach, Bridge, and a Bath

Fort Funston

On Saturday morning we took Koa to Fort Funston and he had an awesome time running, sniffing, and peeing.  He was also very well-behaved and did a little rolling around in the sand.

Bay Bridge

In the afternoon, we took him down to the Bay Bridge to watch the Blue Angels.  Unfortunately they had to cancel the show because the fog was too low.  Oh well, it was still sunny and we had a McDonald’s picnic by the water.


At the end of the day, we had to take Koa to the Bathhouse for his least favorite thing in the world.  Luckily I had help and we got it done in a jiffy.  He hated it.  I still got to’ up.  And the dog is squeaky clean.  It’s too bad it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.

Ryan [barely] survived.

group photo

A few years ago Ryan said “Dude, when it’s time for Vyl to turn 30 I will die.”  Well, she turned 30 a couple weeks ago and so did her college friend Tammy.  To celebrate, they reserved the private room at Nihon last Friday (10/2/09) and we had a bumpin’ time eating sushi, drinking whiskey, and hanging out.


Vyl had a tiara but refused to wear it all night so everyone else took turns wearing it for her.  Ryan also finally showed up after dinner and he was as alive as could be.  I guess turning 30 is not that catastrophic after all.   At the end of the night, we were still hungry and grabbed crepes from the crepe truck nearby.

Here are photos from the party.

Italy Part 3: Pisa & Cinque Terre, Sept 8-10

I can’t believe it’s been a month since we said goodbye to Cinque Terre.  That’s crazy.  Well, here is a recap of our visit to Pisa and Cinque Terre:

Leaning Tower of Pisa

On Tuesday (9/8), we left Florence by hopping on a train and headed out to Cinque Terre.  On our way there, we stopped at Pisa to say “Buon Giorno” to the famous leaning tower.  At the Pisa train station, we dropped off our luggage (yes, it’s safe) and hopped on the bus.  It dropped us off at the piazza and it looked like we were at Epcot Center.  The Leaning Tower was just standing there in its glorious tiltedness with tourists gathered all around taking the requisite “holding up the tower” photo.  Of course, I took one but we didn’t stay much longer than that.  Instead, we walked down the street for some lunch and walked back to the train station.


The train ride from Pisa to La Spezia was comfy but the train to Monterosso was crowded.  Most of the ride was through a series of tunnels and we were pleasantly surprised by the blue ocean that appeared each time we came out of one of them.  Cinque Terre is made up of 5 (cinque=five in Italian) villages and ours was the last stop.  Once we arrived, it was such a nice change of scenery and pace.  It was warm and breezy with not many cars or even bicycles around.  The beach is rocky but there were plenty of people out in the water and sunning on the rented chairs.

il Casello

We spent lots of time just hanging out by the water, drinking house wine, eating gelato, and reading.  After a week of walking, sightseeing, and busy schedules, we were SO ready for some lounging around in the sun.


We also took a hike from Monterosso to Vernazza, which was more treacherous and difficult than we had expected.  We both wore flip-flops and didn’t really bother bringing much water.  Fortunately the view was lovely but my quads were burning by the end from all the stairs I had to climb.


Vernazza is another small village that seemed to have a larger number of old people.  I think it bummed Jes out a bit.  We had some yummy focaccia pizza and browsed the shops before heading back to Monterosso.  Luckily we didn’t have to hike back and took the train instead.



For dinner, we ate a Restaurante Miky on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  It had a Michelin sticker on the door and was a great tip-off for us.  On the first night, we had an awesome dinner of mussels, anchovies, and lobster gnocchi.  There were so many other items on the menu that looked good so we made reservations for the next day as we waited for the check.  On the second night, I had a yummy frutti di mare and a very interesting cheetos-shaped pasta with pesto.  Jes also ordered a fish baked inside a salt dome.  They presented it at tableside and it was very tender and flavorful.

UCLA dollar

On Wednesday afternoon (09/09/09!), we hung out at Fast Bar and contributed to their wall of US dollar bills.  I drew the traditional UCLA logo and we pinned it smack-dab in the middle of the bar.  It’s nice to know that we’ve left a piece of us behind in such an awesome little village on the other side of the world.

frutti di mare

I also had another fantastic plate of frutti di mare at a beachside eatery one afternoon.  Cinque Terre is known for their pesto and seafood and boy did I take advantage of that.  I can’t tell you how many mussels and clams I ate during those two days.  It’s a good thing I learned how to like bivalves.

We had a great time in Cinque Terre and had some tasty tasty seafood.  I also had a really good lemon sorbet paired with raspberry sorbet on our last night there.  Mmmm…

Here are all 152 photos from Pisa and Cinque Terre.

My 34th Birthday

I’m officially 34 years and 1 week old today so I thought I’d post some photos from my 34th birthday.  After spending my Birthday Eve Weekend in LA celebrating with Brother and the rest of the family, I had a few quieter celebrations back in SF.  It was surely a good way to round out the week.

ice cream cake

On Monday, the actual day of my birthday, I flew back up on a 6 am flight and got to work by 9-ish.  My manager was kind enough to let me go in a little later than usual, which was nice.  I’m part of a birthday celebration pool so the co-worker that pulled my name out of hat this year brought me a birthday treat at lunchtime.  It was an ice cream cake from Fenton’s and I also treated myself to what we call “Birthday Cheetos”.  So, I got a photo of me with my cake and the orange dust on my thumb.  Awesome.


My buddies at work also heard that Jes would be working late that evening so they treated me to a Happy Hour at MoMo’s just down the street from my house.  They had $4 martinis and $3 appetizers that really hit the spot.  This is the photo we sent to Ranee from my iPhone.

Fleur de Lys

On Tuesday, Jes took me to Fleur de Lys for dinner.  The staff was friendly and attentive and the food was amazing.  To top off the night, Chef Hubert Keller came out and I got to meet him!  He’s as nice as he appears on TV and kept asking me if I liked the food.

birthday dessert

They also brought out a special dessert made of a butter cookie flower on top of a chocolate mousse.  Yum.

So, it was another memorable birthday and I’m feeling pretty lucky right now.  Here’s to another fun-filled year of life!!  Cheers!

Italy Part 2: Florence, Sept 5-8

I finally got through all of the photos from Florence.  Here’s a little recap:

Train to Florence

On Saturday (9/5), we rode the train from Rome to Florence and bought first class seats.  It’s really inexpensive and totally worth it!  The seats are comfy and adjustable, there’s a beverage cart that rolls by, and there are power outlets at every seat.  The ride was about an hour and a half and just enough time to rest, grab a half-bottle of wine, and watch the scenery zoom by.

Magnifico Massere

Once in Florence, we checked in to Hotel Casci, which is a cute little mom and pop-owned place that serves breakfast every morning, has free WiFi, and the rooms have A/C.  In the evening, we wandered the narrow streets and found a really good restaurant called Magnifico Messere.  After such disappointing meals in Rome, this was exactly what we needed.  We had the most amazing “coccoli” (fried dough dumplings) with stracchino cheese and prosciutto.  We also learned that if the server doesn’t speak much English, the food will be good.

The Spring

The next day, Sunday (9/6), it was Jes’ birthday.  We headed out early to Uffizi Gallery since we didn’t purchase a reserved ticket.  Apparently this museum is notorious for 2-hour-lomg lines without a reservation.  We arrived about 20 mins before it opened and got in within 20 minutes after it opened.  We saw a few famous paintings like “The Spring” and “Birth of Venus”.  They were really strict with photo taking so my sneaky photos are not very good.

Ponte Vecchio

Before lunch, we went to Ponte Vecchio, which is a famous bridge that has a bunch of jewelry stores built on it.  There are also a bunch of Africans selling fake bags.  They’re laid out nicely onto large white sheets that help them wrap up all their merchandise when there’s word of a policeman rolling by.  It’s pretty fun to watch them come and go so quickly.


For lunch, we went to obika mozzerella bar.  We ordered a platter of 5 cheeses served with olives and tomatoes over a bed of baby spinach.  It came with bread, oil, and vinegar and it was so yummy.  I guess the only thing missing was a side of prosciutto but we had just eaten a huge platter of it the night before.


We also went to the Accademia to see Michaelangelo’s David…the real one.  I say that because there’s a replica outside of Uffizi too.  We had read that this place required a reservation too but when we arrived around 5 pm, there was no line and we walked right in.  They were extra strict about no photographs but I snuck a couple anyway.  Hee hee.


We spent the afternoon near the Duomo where we saw a bunch of gypsies dressed in all white with their faces painted white as well.  They carry around a cup of flowers and change and aggressively sneak up on you with a creepy kissing sound.  They continue to follow you with the kissy sound until you turn around to look at them.  They shake the change cup in your face and when you say “no”, they make a hissing sound behind you.  Most people will just ignore them but I was so weirded out by them.  I tried so hard not to make any eye contact with them and walked out of my way to avoid them.  For such small women, they’re pretty scary.  Jes just laughed at me and continued to make the kissy sound throughout the rest of the trip.  Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of any of them.  Maybe it was a good thing.  If you still want to see, I found this photo on flickr.  I get shivers just looking at them.


On Monday (9/7), we got up early for a 5-hour Cooking School.  They picked us up by the river and we were joined by a van-full of people all from the U.S. and Canada.  Chef Simone was awesome…quiet, meticulous, and explained everything really well.


Jes also asked if we could taste the grappa that went into the sorbet and it was some pretty strong stuff.  The chef also didn’t hold back on pouring us 3 different wines throughout the day: prosecco, white wine, and red wine.  Each time he went to the outside pantry, he returned with another bottle.

Nina rolling pasta

Jes cutting gnocchi

We made a total of 5 courses including pasta, gnocchi, and sorbet.  They gave each of us an apron and recipe book and we got our hands dirty.  The food turned out really well and we had a lot of fun preparing, watching, and chatting with the chef.


In the afternoon, we did some laundry at the local laundromat and then had our last meal at Osteria de’Benci, which was also very good.  It’s so nice to know that there really is good food in Italy.

Here are the rest of the photos.  There are only 158 this time.  🙂

Didneelan with da Fam


Last Sunday I went to Disneyland with Brother, Joy, and Jes.  Since it wasn’t the exact date of my birthday, I couldn’t get in free.  Bummer.  So, I managed to dig out a pair of complimentary tickets that I got back in 1993 when I worked there.  They never expired so it looked like the perfect time to use them.  Unfortunately the tickets were so old that no one really knew what to do with them.  After a couple managers took at look at them, we scored a pair of Park-Hopper tickets worth $97 each!  Can you believe how expensive it is to go to Dland nowadays?!

Sleeping Beauty's Castle

Spam and Cole

Once we got in, we grabbed a little ice cream on Main Street, got a FastPass for Space Mountain, and rode the Nemo ride before lunch.  Jes got to eat some yummy fried chicken and then the Suminos arrived!  They met up with us in front of the castle and brought two boxes of spam musubi – wooo!!



Astro Blasters

It was so much fun hanging out with the cousins and the boys.  Cole is four now and big enough to ride Matterhorn!!  Brandon is two and does a pretty good job keeping up with his big brother.  Cole was brave enough to ride in the front bobsled with me and I let him steer the car on the Autopia ride.  We also rode the Astro Blasters ride, which Cole missed out on last time he went because it broke down.  Unfortunately my score was really low since I was too busy taking photos.

the boys

group photo

After hanging out with the family, it reminded me of how time passes so quickly.  Marie and I used to go to Disneyland all the time as kids and it was really something to be taking her two boys around our old stomping grounds.

Toy Story

3D glasses

In the evening, Jes had to make a conference call so we all hung out at Disney’s California Adventure for a while.  I rode the new Toy Story ride that was in 3D and was super fun.  Unfortunately Cole wasn’t tall enough to ride the roller coaster.  Too bad.  The Suminos went home once the sun went down and we ran over to Space Mountain for their special haunted house version.  Thank goodness for the FastPass because the line was super long.

Nighttime on Main Street

The evening ended with the fireworks show that actually wasn’t as cool as I had hoped.  It was a Halloween/Villains themed show and the music was terrible.  We ended up leaving halfway through the show…that’s how bad it was.  It was such a fun day with the family and a wonderful way to celebrate my Birthday Eve.

Here are the photos from the magical day.