Browse Day: October 24, 2009

Project by Project SF Kickoff

Press Club

On Tuesday (10/20), Project by Project SF had their Kickoff Event at Press Club.  It’s a brand-new chapter for the organization and they were hoping to raise some money and gain some awareness. There was a raffle, plenty of wines to taste, and lots of people who had RSVP’d through Facebook.

Susie asked me to be one of their photographers for the evening.  I had the 5:30-7:30 shift, which was much slower than the later shift so my photos are mostly of the venue and people registering…<sarcasm>pretty exciting stuff</sarcasm>.  Having the early shift was actually nice because I got to hang out with friends once they arrived at a timely 8:00 pm.  Press Club was nice enough to give us full roam of the place and it was bumpin’ by 8:30 pm.  I have a feeling they’re usually not this crowded on a Tuesday night.

Here are the rest of the photos from the event.  And here are some cheesy snap shots we took at the end of the night in front of the big PbP banner.

Jimmy & Eleen

Nina & Jesse

Victor and Susie, Directors

The Masayas
Director of Partner Outreach and Director of Volunteer Management

If the turnout for the Kickoff was this big, I can’t imagine how crazy the but Plate by Plate Fundraiser will be like next summer.