Browse Day: October 5, 2009

My 34th Birthday

I’m officially 34 years and 1 week old today so I thought I’d post some photos from my 34th birthday.  After spending my Birthday Eve Weekend in LA celebrating with Brother and the rest of the family, I had a few quieter celebrations back in SF.  It was surely a good way to round out the week.

ice cream cake

On Monday, the actual day of my birthday, I flew back up on a 6 am flight and got to work by 9-ish.  My manager was kind enough to let me go in a little later than usual, which was nice.  I’m part of a birthday celebration pool so the co-worker that pulled my name out of hat this year brought me a birthday treat at lunchtime.  It was an ice cream cake from Fenton’s and I also treated myself to what we call “Birthday Cheetos”.  So, I got a photo of me with my cake and the orange dust on my thumb.  Awesome.


My buddies at work also heard that Jes would be working late that evening so they treated me to a Happy Hour at MoMo’s just down the street from my house.  They had $4 martinis and $3 appetizers that really hit the spot.  This is the photo we sent to Ranee from my iPhone.

Fleur de Lys

On Tuesday, Jes took me to Fleur de Lys for dinner.  The staff was friendly and attentive and the food was amazing.  To top off the night, Chef Hubert Keller came out and I got to meet him!  He’s as nice as he appears on TV and kept asking me if I liked the food.

birthday dessert

They also brought out a special dessert made of a butter cookie flower on top of a chocolate mousse.  Yum.

So, it was another memorable birthday and I’m feeling pretty lucky right now.  Here’s to another fun-filled year of life!!  Cheers!