Dat da da DA!
This afternoon, I bit the bullet and got myself an Apple iPhone 3GS! I’ve been using a Crackberry for years and I have the same excited nervousness that I had when I bought my first Macbook. Did I make the right move? Will I miss the Crackberry?
I can still remember when the Gen 1 iPhone came out and Kenji went out and bought one. It was so pretty but didn’t do much back then. Later, Jes got an iTouch and I was amazed. Three generations later, I decided to give it a try and the transition to the iPhone was painless at the Apple Store, of course with the exception of handing over the credit card.  In a matter of minutes, I was activated and out the door with a new toy that was ready to go.
I went home and downloaded a bunch of free apps that I’m going to try out for the next few weeks. There are some things that I’ll have to get used to like typing on the screen and trying not to drop it.
However, it’s so fun to be able to surf the internet without having to wait a million years for pages to load and being able to access full webpages without the phone crashing or giving up. Get ready for more on-the-go blogging, tweeting, and maybe even video posts!! Here I go!!
P.S. Sorry for the sucky photos. The lighting in this house at night is not very flattering.
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