Browse Month: June 2009

Lazy Day

day off

I have only an hour or so left of my long weekend and it was great.  Today was my official day off and I lazied around with the dog all afternoon.  This photo is pretty much what my day looked like: me on the bed with the laptop and Koa nappin’ in his bed.  The window shades were open and I watched the clouds dance over the building.  The sun came in and out throughout the day and it was fun to watch.

chicken and waffles


I also managed to get my butt out of the bed a few times to go out for a run and for lunch with Susie.  We had chicken and waffles at Farmer Brown’s Little Skillet, which is just a quick hop across the street and typically open only M-F from 11-2.  It’s a tiny window in an alley and usually has a long line.  We got there a little after 1:00 with no line and enough sun to sit out on the loading platform across the way.

When Jes got home from work, we went for another run and I got to try out my new headphones and the new music I just loaded onto the iPod.

Today was a good day.  I guess I’m ready to go back to work now…if I must.

ManKamp 09


The boys returned home this afternoon alive and uninjured but a little stinky.  They actually backpacked all their stuff 3 miles up a mountain and hung out in the middle of the woods with no running water or toilets…just a lake and shovel.


Round Lake


They also gathered wood for a raging fire, shared booze, ate hot dogs, and made lots of noise without any neighbors around to complain.  It sounded like they had a fun time despite all the cold rain and sometimes snow that was falling on them the whole time.  Actually, the sun only decided to come out this morning as they hiked back to the cars.

ethiopian dinner


Once the boys returned and showered, we all went out for Ethiopian food in Berkeley so I got to catch up with G and Tob before they flew back to their respective homes.  It sounds like the next ManKamp will be in 2011.  Maybe Jack will be old enough to tag along by then.  Then again…maybe he shouldn’t go.

Jes took the waterproof camera and actually took a bunch of photos.

One Last Goodbye

Dr. Mai

Friday was Dr. Mai‘s last day and so of course there was one more party for her.

zoo animals

Here’s a photo of us as 3 tigers, a unicorn, and a reindeer.  Confused?  It’s just an inside joke that I don’t think will be worth explaining here.  🙂

Long Weekend

I had a rough work week and I’m so relieved that it’s Saturday.  We finally discharged two of our more intense patients (after two months of Rehab) on Thursday and our new one has been a handful.  Without getting into a lot of detail, my patience, endurance, and mental fortitude were pushed to their limits this week leaving me depleted.  So, it’s Saturday now and my boss gave me Monday off.  Ah…I love random 3-day weekends.

On top of all that, Jes is out in the woods this weekend for another wild and crazy ManKamp so I’m having a lot of “me time”.  It has been pretty awesome.  So far, I’ve been to a going-away party, had drinks with a friend on the roof of my building, slept in until 10 am, and spent 2 hours at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market browsing and tasting all there was to offer.  The sun is out, there’s a load of laundry going, and I’m in bed sipping coffee at 4:30 in the afternoon.  Nice.

I don’t have much planned for the rest of the weekend and I like it that way.  Hmm…what should I have for dinner tonight?